Chapter 15

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I really can't believe Alexia falls for that ass, he's so urgh! I don't know! I hate his guts and if it wasn't because of my sister I would've never apologize!

I immediately stop in my tracks when I spot a silhouette on the far corner of the mansion's entrance, but she quickly hides the moment I had her on sight.

Quickly looking around for a place to hide, I run to the nearest post to the right to make her believe that I'm gone, so she can go out and reveal herself. Standing here for almost five minutes, I finally hear small thuds of foot walking near the place I'm in.

"Xi-Xiandra?" I gasp upon hearing my fake name being called, "Xiandra please come out, I-I know you're there, I n-need to talk to y-you. P-please, come out." her voice came out almost a whisper.

I stay silent wanting her to come near the place I'm in, if she really wants to talk to me then we have to be hidden. I don't want anyone or anything prying at us.

Seeing as her shadow near me, I swiftly get out and grab her. I can even hear her shriek as I pull us back to the place where I hide. I was taken aback when Glassman's sex slave stands in front of me.

She tries to keep herself calm, but her breath remains uneven. Her hands are cold, and shaky. There are bruises and wounds all over her arms and legs, her expression messed up like she's about to cry. Do Glassman fuck her without a free will? Of course, he does, he's a monster. A stupid old dirty monster.

I was about to open my mouth to question her, when two cyborgs passes by and stops about two meters away. I put my index finger in my lips, telling her to stay quiet, she just nod swallowing a large lump in her throat. She's very obedient, covering her mouth while her tears are slowly cascading down her face. When the cyborgs walk away, she grabs my arms with her cold hands making me face her.

She is hesitant at first, she shakes her head and inhale deeply before looking to me straight in the eye. "Y-you went down y-yesterday, yes?" her voice still a whisper for me.

"You mean underground?" she just gave me a single nod, furrowing my brows in confusion I ask, "Why?"

She look behind me to check if there's anyone around, when there was none she continues, "P-philip, I-is he s-still there?" she asks stuttering and sobbing.

"No. He's not there." furrowing my brows at her, sniffs and nod. "Why?"

She close her eyes as her tears continues to fall down her small face."W-what about a baby, d-do they have a b-baby with them d-down there?"

Philip and a baby? How did she know about that? Wait. Is this woman... Is she Delia? It's impossible they said she's dead or maybe that's what they've been told to believe? But it she can be, that possible. But Genetically speaking Dindy inherited her natural hair color, same skin tone and those beautiful eyes.

"Delia?" I blurt out.

Her eyes widen upon hearing her name, she takes a step back while looking around then she asks in a shaky breath, "H-how d-did you..?"

"I just, I just know... but don't worry there's no baby down there, Glassman mentioned yesterday that one them managed to escape." upon hearing the news she cries much harder in relief, I softly grab and squeeze her shoulder to comfort her then state, "I'm a friend Delia you don't have to fear me. I'm against the real monsters."

"T-thank you.. " She wipes the tears in her cheeks. "Really, that information means a lot to me, I just hope they're safe."

Smiling I tell her, "I have a feeling that they are. By the way if you don't mind me asking, no offense but how are you still alive?"

She just took my palms then place something on it. Closing my palms she takes a step back and smile at me sweetly. "Please tell P-peter when you see him underground, I'm alive." she sobs and run away. "Or if you happen to see my sweet princess out there give that to her. Please..."

Before I can ask another question, she sprints across the hall to her room. I have no choice but to watch her run upstairs. I look at the thing she places in my palm, I can't help but to feel sorry for her and for her family. Those officials had  already destroyed a lot of families and took a lot of lives, they need to be stopped, these needs to stop. Breathing out the pain I feel for these people, I decided to head to Glassman's office and report to Maddie.

Knocking on the door three times, an unfamiliar feminine voice shouts behind it. "Come in!"

I swiftly turn the knob and slowly open the door, "I uhm... sorry---"

I was cut off when she chuckles and fans her hands in the air, "Oh don't worry 'bout it, Master's not around so, it's okay, for now."

"So, you must be... Maddie?"

"And you must be Xiandra?" she smiles, "I like your name it's so unique, some Xiandras are spelled C.h. or S.h. but yours is spelled with an X and I swear it's so nice!"

"Uh... Thanks?" I replied awkwardly, she's not so talkative, isn't she?

"You're welcome, but yeah if I were to change name can I borrow yours? I know it'll sound funny because Mr. Glassman will have to Xiandras at work, but I don't care because I really like your nam---"

"Can I get to work now?" I cut her off, because she's a bit noisy and I'm pretty rude so why not?

"Oh silly me, Yes of course!" she opens a small door attached on the wall in Glassman's office. Well? How many hidden doors are inside this office? I have to figure that out. Focusing on my task I can see that the one that Maddie opens is where the food maker is located. "You're going to go to the cell and feed the mad genius prisoners, can you do that without assistance?"

She picks the tray from the compartment with two plates of nasty food and two cups of water on the table slowly. I prefer it without assistance, thank you very much. I think but I simply replied, "Sure."

"Good!" she claps her hand, "Now go move, flip pity flop! You're an hour late so, you have to catch up."

I just give her a small smile but deep inside? Man! I'm grinning! Can I wish for Glassman to be away? Like forever? Or maybe not. If that happens then I can't kill him, I wanna be the one to shoot that old filthy rich man whore. I just smile and thank heavens his assistant is as dense as him. Entering the hidden elevator with the food tray on-hand, I manage to press the down button with a little difficulty.

Arriving I place the tray on one of the side tables near the cell room, repeating the same process Glassman did, I press the keys...

"Three...Zero...Nine...Four..." whispering the numbers as I press the buttons hearing it beeps the second the door unlocks and opens itself.

Picking up the tray, I head inside the cell quickly, locking it from the inside to make sure no one will hear us.

"Peter?" I whisper, "Dad?" but there was no answer. "Dad it's me, Axelia!" I call much louder.

"You are ?" a voice came from the first cell but I can't see the man inside.

I step a little closer to the cell to see him but I almost shriek when he run and put his hand on the bars shaking it, he's bruised, hungry and hurt. From what I can see he has been whipped. They hurt him and they will pay for it.

"Let me out! Let me out!" he shouts, "If you really are my daughter you have to let me out!"

I hold his hand looking my dad in the eyes. "I will."

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