Chapter 8

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'Axe cover your eyes and no peeking!' Nicoli commands on the other line.

I just snort at him and tease, "Possessive now, aren't we? Don't worry I didn't see anything I want." I answer while munching the chips that I stole in the guard house. "Did you do it on purpose?"

'No! I didn't I'll have to admit I missed in checking that room, and I'm not possessive! I...uh, I was just making sure...' Nicoli's voice fades for a moment, 'T-that---'

"That Glassman's rod won't be the first one I see?" I chuckle, shifting slightly on the branch I'm sitting, careful not to make any noise that can attract the guard, "...too late Sherlock."


I cut Nicoli off when Glassman's finally done doing his clothes. "Shhhh... Listen."

I intently listen to their conversation, it's good to have the access of the button spy cam Alexia's wearing on her suit, I'm also glad that she made a smart choice in using a micro phoned camera. While watching, I found out that the girl Glassman was fucking is a real girl, I'm glad he didn't use a robot slave for sex that'll be very inappropriate and overall gross. So, he also knows how to have a real person in this house, don't he?, but I just can't take it. A sex slave around 20s? And a hormonal old man in his late 50s? Yeah, that alone made my stomach churn. I choose to brush away that thought and try to focus on our mission.

'I apologize that you have to witness that hmm... scene earlier Ms. Brooks...' Glassman started but Alexia didn't bother to reply I can already imagine her rolling her eyes internally, ' ...please do take a seat.'

Do as she's told, Alex settles in the left chair. They were both silent, as Glassman awkwardly scans the paper on his desk looking for something, but he is failing to find it. He then opens his desk drawers, but still none, scratching the back of his neck the old man turn his back to face the shelves and open up a cabinet...

'I see a safe...' Nicoli informs, 'zooming in for the code combination...'

Remembering the reason we are here, I immediately request, "Nicoli, kindly check if there's another actual people in this mansion other than the sex slave earlier."

'Got the code, and scanning the whole area.' hearing the beeps and typing as he speaks, 'why am I looking for people? I thought we're doing this to secure that the new working place is safe?'

"Nicoli, did you forget that this mansion is owned by an official, might as well we get what we can." I respond while folding a piece of plastic and stuffing it in my pocket, "Besides maybe Glassman's have something we need."

'Fine...', Nicoli exhales, pausing for a minute I then hear rambling on the other line, 'Holy cow! Axelia this place is huge and uh... deadly.'

Glancing briefly at the mansion but it's not as huge as ours, I know that's not what Nicoli is referring, "What d'you got?"

'There's another mansion under the mansion, do you get my point?' another pause, and I hear more typing, 'Okay so lemme explain further, the mansion has an underground area which is bigger than the mansion itself, the access in the security camera is limited there are other rooms that's very secure, Alexia missed this information...'

"You mentioned deadly, how's that so?" Glancing down for a while hearing a door creaking noise. "Hold up, I've got a situation."

The door in the guard house flew open then out the guard, he was clutching his crotch, his face red as he runs to the trunk of the tree, I refrain myself to make any movements that can call his attention, staying in place and holding my breath.

The next thing almost made me shriek in my place, I bite my tongue and cover my eyes, praying that it'll end now. Can the people in this place refrain themselves in showing their rods?! Goddammit!

'Axe? Everything alright?' Nicoli calls in the line, 'Axe?'

Gladly the guard was done peeing on the tree trunk, after keeping his pet on his pants he quickly went back to his post.

"Yeah.. Everything's oka---"

'Good,' Nicoli cut me off this time, 'Cause we got another situation, connection from Alexia was cut out.'

"What?!" I hurriedly check for possible connections to reach Alexia, I check on the drones around to catch an image of her but there was none, "Shit! I got nothing, what happened?!"

'Glassman is already showing her to your new job, they went south using a secret elevator, located behind Glassman's bookshelves. After he revived the papers from the safe, he then accessed the secret compartment...' Nicoli explains.

"Guess we have no choice, let's just wait here..." then like a light bulb, my mind remembers the explanation I left with Nicoli earlier before the guard appeared, "So about the deadly thing, can we continue?"

'We?...I uhh, oh! Right, sorry bout that. It just sounded nice.' I can't help but to smile at his words, Nicoli clears his throat before he continues, 'Deadly, Because those artificial intelligence robots around the house aren't just programmed to do house chores... Each of them are encrypted with weapons that'll automatically activate when they sense danger, the underground laboratory is the place where they assemble those robomans... Glassman's army.'

"So that's why Glassman is so confident to entrust his house with those things, they aren't a hundred percent safe... Shit!" I remembered the valley robot earlier, "Can you access the garage? Kindly search for Alexia's car..."

Nicoli was quick to say, 'Copy... '

A minute of silence in the line, and I'm getting a bit impatient while waiting I decided to shift my position into straddling the tree's branch while I lean my back on its trunk, still keeping an eye on the tablet in my hand to see what the cameras from the drones catch, there was a sudden movement on the fifth drones image, looking at it eagerly to see something or someone, then a man's figure appears and is standing only a good two feet away from the drone, he doesn't appear to look like a guard or something that belongs in this property, in fact he looks bewildered and cautious... Did he break in, in this place? How?

I was pulled up from my thoughts when Nicoli speaks up, 'Valey Cyborg is in serious shit with the car, he's scanning it... No wait! It's not just scanning the car, it's getting all the data and copying it!'

"Fuck." I hissed, "Nicoli, be prepared in blocking the security system for a minute and turn it back on."

'Roger that!' he attentively responds. 'Just say the word and the cameras will be blocked for 60 seconds.'

I manoeuvre one of the drones to get inside the garage, searching for that stupid metal friend, when I'm able to catch the cyborgs image, I fly the drone higher to avoid his attention, avoiding the iron tubes on the garage ceiling, careful not to make a noise. Positioning at the back of its head, I keep steady...

"Nicoli do it, Now."

Without any hesitation I shot the cyborg mercilessly, bullet to bullets, the cyborgs has no time in fighting back, but I'm able to see how the hand transforms into a gun, and it's laser eyes cutting a tube in the garage, splashing water everywhere. I hurriedly retreat the drone out from the garage.

'What did you do?' Nicoli ask.

"Nothing that I wouldn't do to the officials sooner." I answer, "Keep in check I have to clean the mess."

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