Chapter 17

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"Axelia you know you can't." the second man appears inside the other cell looking at me seriously.

I turn to him and take a deep breath, "I can free you, the both of you. Just give me time." glancing to my father before I drop my gaze to the floor.

"There's no more time!" Father speaks up again  with a teary tone, "The officials would sooner evacuate half of the population to a new walled city."

"What?" I ask in confusion, "Is that true?"

"Yes." Peter is one to answer, "Glassman and Edwards are planning to rule another world,  soon as they figured out the materials, and the systems of this city and how this works, they build a new one."

"And people are willing to go there?" they just look at me in silence. "What?!"

Father shake his head and breathes, "They're not taking the literal half of the population, they're going to take the children only ages fourteen and below."

"H-how did you know?" I just receive blank stares from them, "D-did you tell them how? Did you give them the blue prints? How did they know how to build this?! How did you know that this is happening?!"

"We just heard Glassman speaking through the phone, Maddie his right hand is too talkative she wouldn't stop blabbering stuffs. Regarding the system and infrastructures being copied we don't know."

"When will the evacuation take place?"

"The next next day."

"But Glassman's arrival is until next week?"

"That's just an estimated time in finishing the second city. The moment he comes back he'll be packing up his things to leave, for good. Leaving all of this to the other officials who knew nothing of their hidden agendas."

"He's not with his family, isn't he?" I pause and Peter nods in affirmation. "He's there supervising in building that city, the-the blue print that Alexia saw t-that isn't the blue print of this house, he made a replica of it and maybe the reason he copied the whole city itself to make those children believe that they're at home. , So that's why he said that this is a new job for me, I'm going to be the one to play Maggie's role on that city..."

"Exactly." they say in unison.

"No. That can't happen." I whisper, "I-I have to go home! I-I need to tell Alex. Do you know where's the exit within these large walls?"

"From here, go north then pass the Metropolis. You'll going to see a large infinite grass field don't get fooled by it. Cross 30 meters of that field from the large rock located in the middle, the end of it are doors that have furtive imagery glass, I don't know the code that'll unlock it but..." Dad looks at Peter telling him to finish the instructions.

"You can jam the system by opening the code pad and taking the microchip encrypted in it. But when you do the door won't be hidden anymore. It'll be visible for everyone in here and it'll surely raise curiosity. People might wanna cross the border, that's the only exit we made."

"Thank you so much, I'll be back for you guys. I promise."

They just nod and Peter speaks up again, "Best luck for the both of you."

Giving him a polite nod and giving my dad a quick hug. I run towards the door, but the moment my hand lands on the hatch, I remembered the encounter lately. Looking back to the both of them, smiling. I exhale as I make eye contact with Peter.

"Delia." I start and I automatically got their full attention on me. "She's alive, but just like you Glassman is keeping her captive. Either way we'll find a possible way to free you all, from this... all of this. We know it's going to be a do-or-die situation, but we are willing to take the risks."

My father unexpectedly grabs my hand. His arms extended as he reaches unto me, his eyes are watery as he looks at me with so much love and pride. "I'm so proud of the both of you, go fight for us and save innocent people. Give them the justice they deserve."

I smile and nod at him before I turn to the hatch, opening the door, rushing to the elevator that leads to Glassman's office. Repeatedly pushing the down button with a shaky hand with much impatience. Soon as the metal doors opens I quickly step inside, fidgeting with my hand waiting for the single beep that I need to hear.

"Oh thank heavens you're here, Master had called looking for you so, I told him you're at the cell feeding those brainiacs or mad geniuses, but I prefer to call them idiots."

I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to stop myself I launch at her raising my voice, "Don't you fucking dare call them that!" throwing my fist next to her face right into the wall behind her.

Maddie froze in her place, clutching her chest with wide eyes looking at me in disbelief, "I-I'm sorry I-uh didn't---"

"Forget it." shaking my head to calm my nerves, taking two steps back  before I speak up again and look at her seriously. "Can I bring my office works at home? Since Mister Glassman is away I prefer to work home-base."

Maddie blink twice before nodding her head multiple times, swallowing a large lump in her throat. "S-sure, y-you can... uh just make sure to f-finish it on time? O-okay?"

"Okay, thanks."

Picking up my belongings I rush to the door, ignoring everything around me. I have to tell Alexia immediately, so we can lay out the plan before they take the kids and create their city. For what? To brainwash more young minds? To have more pawns that'll give them the money, power and authority? I won't allow that to happen, their evilness will end in this place.

I was so close to cross the distance between the living room area and the main door when somebody harshly grabs my upper arm and push me to the wall. All I do is to groan in pain and to look at the person responsible for this offense.

"Have you gone nuts?!" Gregory shouts in whisper furrowing his brows at me, "When Maggie calls Glassman, and she happens to report your recent behavior, you'll be dead Sherlock!"

"I know what I'm doing!" wriggling to free myself from his hold, "And if she reports me, I will take care of it myself!"

"Like how?! You don't even know how to hold a fucking gun for Pete's sake!" Or so, you're talking about my sister. I harshly pull my arms and push him away, quickly stepping side ward to free myself and to create a distance between us.

Looking back to him I chuckle, shaking my head before giving him a serious look, "Try me."

With that being said, I manage to free myself up and left the room not giving Greg the time to recover with his shock. He can see through my sister alright, but he doesn't know that I exist. Rushing through my car to drive home, we need to act on this immediately or else, the children will be at stake.

Soon as Jane detects my Biometrics, she automatically lights up, and unlocks her doors for me to enter. Taking the driver seat I input the access code and turning it to auto pilot while setting the destination to home.

"Call Alexia." I command.

"Dialling the contact please wait."

Hearing her phone rings, I can't help but to fidget in my seat. After the fifth ring it she finally, picks up.


"Alex!" I answer feeling relief, "Listen to me properly, I'm not going to say this twice."

"Woah, woah. Slow down sister, what's with the urgency?"

"Just---! Listen!"

"Fine. What is it?"

"Set up a meeting make sure are the adults are in there, this is no longer a drill."

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