Chapter 2

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Opening my purse using my pointy's fingerprint for access, I pick up the small earpiece and attach it in my ears. I then swap my watch to activate it, connecting me to Nicoli. As I step out from the elevator, I cautiously glance around to see if someone's looking at me. When I was certain that there was none, I quickly went out of the glasswalled building. Seeing some of the people in the metropolis riding their solar powered flying scooters, wandering around. Some are waiting for the sky train that travels within a glass tube like rails. I also see people taking off with their hydropowered jetpacks, so instead of using gas and release a polluted smoke, those jetpacks will just let out a steam like smoke. How intelligent Uncle could be to have it invented. When my watch vibrates signifying I'm already in the line with Nicoli.
I went to the nearest corner so that no preying eyes would see me.

'Axelia?' Nicoli called from the other line.

"Finally someone who knows my real name." I exhaled, "I missed half of the meeting already, one of Alexia's boyfriend just won't let me be."

'Well that's a great alternative instead of saying hello, but about that meeting let me correct it first you already missed everything,' I heard typings and beepings in the other line as he paused, 'and oh about that guy, you don't have to worry much about him. Since the two of you are sharing the identity of Xiandra Brooks then technically he's also one of your boyfriends Axelia. Sooo... '

"So shut up and tell me if you can get the back up copy record of that micro recorder's files." I cut him off diverting the topic to the mission. "And oh by the way that was the most stupid thing you ever said Nicoli, they are still Alexia's."

'Pffft, I was just going to say that you have to calm down.' he chuckled from the other line, 'and yes princess I already had it saved and copied, oh! and as what I've heard your boss will be out in a couple of minutes so better hurry up and wait at the lobby.'

"Okay. Thanks and please do tell Alexia we need to talk when I got home." I stated in a serious note.

'Aye aye Mistress Axelia. sounds like Alexia's getting another parenting rant from you tonight, Byeee~ ' I know he can't see me roll my eyes at him but I did it anyway. Such a silly jackass.

"Bye." I said smiling to myself.

After putting everything that might cause suspicions in place, I hurry up and step inside the building. Rushing towards the main lobby, I can see the elevator's going down. Exhaling sharply as I wait attentively for my so called boss. As soon as the metal doors opened, I mentally scream in pure annoyance when a pair of irritating faces appears in front of me. Mr.Glassman's and Gregory's.

"Ahh my ever so lovely secretary, there you are." Mr.Glassman then greeted and put his arms above my shoulders, at the same time I saw Greg's shoulders tensed by that action, "So what have you been doing down here alone?" he asked.

"I just went to the nearest coffee shop sir." or should I say nearest corner to spy your dirty business with the officials.

"Where exactly?" nosy now, aren't we?

Oh it's none of your concern old man. Internally rolling my eyes at him. Then I try to divert his attention elsewhere, because the last thing I want is to bring him to the real nearest coffee shop in this street, where Nicoli's parents work. I don't want him to recognize them. That might raise a slight suspicion for him and will have his detectives digging through the old couples records. I can't risk that.

"Should we ride the jet or would you rather transport through a car sir?" I ask, diverting the topic, even though I already know his answer.

"Oh I rather we go by the jet, car takes too long to travel." figured much, I mentally smirk of how easy he can get side tracked.

"Alright sir." I say as I swiped my translucent phone, contacting his driver to bring in the jet to the skyscraper building's jetport. "We should head back inside and wait at the top floor."

"Sure. Oh by the way, you seem to forget something back there."

My eyes automatically snap up to him to moment he said that, I just can't forget something in there. My things aren't available in stores or in any techmarkets. If I ever left some of my valuables in there, I'm sure they'll have it under thorough investigation. The last thing I want is for them to search our home. All of our efforts will surely go to waste.

"You just forgot the papers and folders on the meeting room, Xiandra don't sweat yourself too much. But young lady those files are confidential, be more careful next time." he continues and I exhale sharply as relief wash through me.

"Yes sir, Im sorry." but I'm not really, that my deary boss was intentionally placed in there for spying purposes.

"Good." he just smile, turning his back as he starts walking, "When will the jet arrive?"

"Approximately 10 minutes sir." I reply shortly, following him along with Greg and the other body guard I don't know.

While waiting for his jet to arrive, he stand beside me and whispers something that reach the peak of my interest.

"Tomorrow morning you don't need to report in the office Xiandra." he then wrap his arm around my shoulders, "Report to the Mansion, you've proven yourself worthy enough in my hands and this is the time you'll finally be doing the real job for me as a secretary."

"I'm sorry sir, I..ahh, I d-don't understand." acting like I don't know what he's talking about.

He chuckles and tap my shoulder lightly, "Report tomorrow morning and you'll see what I'm talking about."

I or shall I say we have worked in this position as his secretary for almost three years now. So far he just made my work a lot easier, having me inside his secret work base is an Ace for me. I have to tell this to Alexia first thing when I get home, since she's the one who gets to report tomorrow. Sharing identity needs a uniform action and appearance, if we miss something specially in front of that Paranoid President then it also means we just stupidly present ourselves to death for taking.

When the jet arrives, it didn't take too long for us to take off since Mr.Glassman wants to have some rest already. The trip was short and silent. But as soon as we landed safely into the port of his mansion, Mr.Glassman sent us all home telling us to meet him again tomorrow morning for a private meeting regarding to his own agenda, those officials doesn't only listens to Hans all the time, they're not his pawns if given a chance they'll be more than willing to have him dead. All of them wants his position, all of them has the same goal, The Presidency.

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