Chapter 7

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'Security System is now under control.' Nicoli confirms in the line.

'Drones activated, spreading and securing the area.' Axe was the one to update next. 'Keep an eye for Glassman.'

"I'm approaching the Manson's gate..." I pause when I see one of the drones through the transparent roof of my car, "What the hell Axe? Do you want me dead? Hide that fucking weapon!"

'Sorry, was just keeping an eye on you too.'

'Awweeeee.' Nicoli butts in.

"'Shut up! '" Axelia and I both snaps in chorus.

'Yeah, twins.' I heard Nicoli snorts.

"Axe? Where are you posted?" I ask before a guard knocks on my window.

'Up in the tree near the guard house this is the most accessible spot so far, and I'm hidden.'

I look up intently to the trees, and I saw her sitting on a large branch, if you don't look closely you won't see her. I inhale and open slide down the window, since the guard is already growing a bit impatient.

"Name?" he stated, "and the bar code I.D pass please."

"Xiandra Brooks." I handed him the card, and he quickly scans it.

"Secretary?" he asks, "Thought it was Maggie? How come you're Xiandra?"

"For assurance, why don't you call the boss then?" I utter confidently.

"Stay there." giving me a hard look he pressed his earpiece with a microphone attached.

I didn't bother to eavesdrop in the conversation anymore, glancing back to Axe's post. My jaw almost drops when she's no longer there. Instead, I found her inside the guard's house looking for something I don't know, this is so not part of the plan. Feeling my heart rate increases and my palm getting colder, I quickly glance back to the man and then to her, luckily he's got his back turned away from the spot. She quickly went out, when she's far enough she waves a record book, as she climbs back to the tree, tucking the book in her jacket in the process.

"What the fuck was that?!" shouting a whisper through our line.

'What?'' it was Nicoli who answered.

"Not you," I look at up at her, "Axelia? Answer me!"

'Thought a visitor's record book is useful.' she simply said, 'and I also grab the chips inside, I'm hungry.'

I heard chucking in the other line, 'That a girl.' Nicoli laughs.

"Don't you ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack." I said exhaling.

'Almost.' she repeats. I just rolled my eyes at her.

The man comes back and walk towards the car this time his features is calm now, after he scans and search the car, he gave me back my card and press the button for the gate to open without saying anything.

"Thank you." I say as I restart the car, "And by the way smiling is not a disease you know." I add before driving inside, seeing him shot a look at me in the rear view mirror, I just smirk.

Scanning the whole area, my palms grew much colder and wetter, the Mansion is humongous, painted with white and gold, the ground is finely bricked and there are no trace of fallen leaves. The plants around the mansion was neatly trimmed. Like it's one of the dream houses of the 2010 era, it's classic yet beautiful. I halt the car when I saw a valet boy standing outside the entrance.

"Welcome to the Glassman's, I'm VD46 at your service."

Okay So, he's not a real boy, this is a robot with an artificial body parts programmed to do a valet job. I stop the car's engine and get out the driver's seat. Scanning the cyborg standing in front of me, I hesitate to give him the pass code of my car, can this half metal man drive? I could've trust these one right away if this isn't from the Glassman's. I mean who knows maybe he's inventors are as dense as their boss.

"Uh... VD46, In a scale of One to 10, can you rate your capability in parking my car safely?" I heard Axe and Nicoli both laugh in the line.

"The probability of safety is 9. 76, there is a 0.34 chances in getting your car crashed." he turns his head to look at me, "My records are clear, there are no history of reckless driving."

"Okay I can... hmm, risk that." I went back to my car grabbing my valuables in the passenger seat, "Uh the pass code is 2021."

"Keys?" he held his robot hand.

"This is not year 2000s, there're no keys just the pass code."

"You must be rich, car model's recognize as a 3074 model but the features are beyond recognition. All gears caused $327,000,000, including the bullet proof glasses, and the scratch free paint."

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. "We need to get rid of this thing in here." I whisper through the line informing them.

'Let him drive the car, I'll deal with it.' Axe responds.

Exhaling I mutter, "Just park the car VD46."

"Happy to be at your service." he then obliged my command.

Inhaling deeply I turn to the main entrance, wiping my sweaty palms on my dark skirt. I gather my shit together and keep my composure as I ascend the stairs. The main door has sensor's it automatically opens as soon as it catches my figure. When I look across the door, there's another pair of robots wearing black and blue maid dresses, the outfits are too daring. The cleavage visible and the skirts are too short. But unlike VD46 these girls are on roller skates attached on their feet, maybe for them to travel, and work efficiently inside the house.

"Good Morning, Welcome to the Glassman's. I'm HK51." the first cyborg greets with a feather duster on hand.

"I'm HK52, Master has been waiting for you in the office, let me lead you the way." the second cyborg's roller skates then starts to roll its wheels across the room.

I didn't have a time to recompose myself since the cyborg looks like she's not programmed for waiting. Then a thought strikes me, if the mansion is manned with cyborgs, then that means the guards are only given the one job, and that is to roam around, and secure the area. Makes sense, they can quickly prevent an outsider before entering the mansion. But I'm sure, there's a place in here where others can sneak in unnoticed.

The cyborg halts in front of the heavy dark double doors, it was etched with a symbol I can't quite recognize, taking it in I'll present it to Nicoli later, I'm sure he'll find a way to figure out what that means.

I was caught off guard when the door opens wide, a loud feminine moan greats my ears forcing me to take a step backward, and for the second time around this day my jaw almost drops to the floor, eyes wide seeing the sight before me.

"For a minute... " Glassman grunts as he continues to thrust on the girl lying butt naked in his desk still moaning loudly, "Almost there, almost.... Ohhhh~"

"Fuck." is what I manage to say before I felt my breakfast starts to come up and out my mouth.

They should know how to lock a fucking door! And fuck Nicoli for not telling me what's happening behind these closed doors!

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