Chapter 13

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"What happened?" Nicoli ask me with worry in his eyes.

Shrugging I just walk towards the edge of the bed and sit on his lap, "Alex is calling me for a meeting.", I mutter burying my face in the crook of his neck. Enjoying the comfortable silence between us.

"Can I be honest?" he say out of the blue. I just nod, and he continues, "I still can't believe what's happening. You, Me is it right if I call it us?"

"Us is it then. " I chuckle and slap his shoulder. "Oh? Do you want me to slap you? Or bite you? Hard."

"I prefer the second one." he huskily say as he looks at me with admiration.

"Naughty Ass." without wasting more time, I kiss his neck sweetly leaving a tingling sensation, seeing the goosebumps surfaces in his skin.

I shiver upon feeling his hands caress my lower back holding me closely. Closing my eyes to listen to his heart beat. Nicoli slowly hold my chin, lifting it up for me to level his face. Feeling his minty breath fanning my face as I inhale his intoxicating smell. He smiles at me before claiming my lips passionately, wrapping my arms around his neck, I hungrily kiss him back. Moving both our mouths and tongues in sync. And once again ignoring everything around us, getting lost in our tiny romantic bubble.

Nicoli strongly lift me from his lap and land me gently in the bed. Moving on top of me as I keep my eyes on his face, tracing his abdomen with my index finger lovingly. I can't hold back the feelings I have for him right now. My conscience is telling me to make it up to him after all the rejections. Nicoli deserves to be treated and loved. Like the way he loves me and care for me.

"I love  you, Axe." he whispers in my ears as he slowly kisses my neck. "I always do."

Deep moan escapes my throat as I pulled his head closer to me wanting him to be closer. Feeling my core heat and his bulge on my belly, I can't stop the sweet sensation he's giving me. Slowly his hand travels from the side of my head to my chest, as he greedily cups my right breast with his palm with so much gentleness.

He kiss my forehead and whispers, "They fit in my palms so well." before he claims my lips again with burning passion. "Like they're made just for me."

He's about the go south when my watch light up again. Fúck Alex and her timing. Nicoli quickly snap his head up feeling my muscle tense for a while. Following my gaze to my watch he chuckles then kiss my nose. Sensing my sister's urgency, Nicoli gets off me and help me up fixing my shirt and my hair. Kissing my forehead one more time.

"Go to your sister," he say as he slips in his shirt, "I'm sure Alexia's about to flip by now."

"She's just mad she can't have Greg in here." I reply crossing my arms at him, "besides I think I deserve to be treated as a woman."

Raising a brow at me, Nicoli tilted his head to the side. "Please tell me you're not competing against your sister?"

"I'm not!" I defend, "It's just the truth."

"Don't be so mean to her," Nicoli say as he slips on his denim pants, "For what I can see your sister is in serious situation right now."

"Fine." I say, looking to the mirror one last time before grabbing the knob, "See you for dinner!"

Shutting the door behind me, I went straight to the direction of the library. Scanning my finger print on the door as I wait for it to open. Alexia is sitting silently on the ottoman near the fireplace. Holding a micro recorder on her hand, fidgeting it.

I clear my throat to get her attention, but she didn't bother to look at me. "Hey."

"Hey your face Axe." she responds, "I know that you need time to be with Nicoli because you finally get into an understanding, but shit Axe! Do you know how fucked up the situation is right now?!"

"How would I know when you won't tell me?" I shot back.

"Glassman!" she stands up as she points her finger to nowhere as she looks at me angrily, "Held our Dad captive! All these years Axe we thought he's dead!"

Hearing Alexia mentions our dad, makes me take a step back trying to find something to hold on to for my knees not to collapse. I don't know what to say, a lot of emotions came flooding inside me. Dad is alive? , So that's why Alex is too emotional right now. That's why she's acting like this ever since we got out the mansion.

And I thought her sudden mood swings is about Greg, cause I see him going inside the mansion with the guard minutes before Alexia went out.

"H-how... " is what I manage to say, as the tip of my noise starts to sting seeing my visions blur.

"He kept him captive after the execution, torturing them every day to get what they want, juicing their brains with all the knowledge they uphold." Alex starts, "That's why they didn't televise the whole happening during the day of the execution. Glassman intentionally kept him for this city, to use their brains and make them as a tool for this city's future evolution."

"They? Dad is not alone?"

"No." Axe shakes her head, "Philip's brother is with him."

As I'm slowly recovering from the shock, "Why didn't you tell me? We could've save them! Alex they're just there we could've made them escape! Why?! We need to go back! We need to!" I fire up feeling my emotions flooding, and my head messing up.

"We can't." she say sitting back, "We can't if we act up on the spot without laying out a plan."

"Is this the reason you call Nicoli's parents and Philip?" I say walking towards her.

"Yes." she looks at me in the eyes and states, "Philip used to be one of the prisoners, he just managed to escape to save Dindy."

"Philip?! So, he knew about this all along?" I flip, "So didn't he tell us?! That cynical bastard!"

Alexa close her eyes with her hands on her head, "Axe listen, Dindy has a micro voice recognizer implanted in her nape since she was a baby, and it will active once Philip tell us about the Glassman's Dungeon, Linda explained earlier after examining the child that it is impossible for us to remove it without Dindy having any malfunctions, the tissues already covered the chip."

"So, you've been doing a lot of things without informing me? How's that for teamwork Alex?"

"I was supposed to meet them after we get to talk, but you're too busy doing your boyfriend Sherlock!" Alexia snaps, "I don't want to waste time, not now Axe."

Realizing my fault I calm myself down, "Sorry." I say releasing a breath, she just nods and turns her head to watch the fire, "So, you got plans?"

"Not yet." Alex say having her gaze fixated to the fire, "You have to help me, I'm running out of ideas, Axe."

Alexia looks up, my gaze meeting her teary one as she sobs bowing down her head. I get down on my knees to level her and hug her tightly. My eyes can't hold it back anymore, large tears comes flooding my cheeks, as my chest feels like it's being squeezed by an invisible hand. Holding my sister on my chest as we cried our hearts out.

This will be the last time Glassman will hold an Ace against us.

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