Chapter 14

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"You sure you can do this?" Alex ask sitting at the edge of my bed, watching me as I finish up my hair extensions to match hers.

"Just trust me, okay?" glancing at her through the mirror, I sigh and face her. "Stay for today Alexia, I can see how stressed you are."

"I just can't wait to get dad out from that filthy mansion." she drops herself into the bed with her arms wide open. "You think we can do that?"

I snort, "Since when did you lose your confidence? Of course, we can."

Getting up, I head to the capsule scanner to check some error with my appearance. Opening the glass door and stepping inside, I pressed the start scanning button. Standing up straight seeing the blue light travels from the top of the capsule to the bottom repeating it three times. When it the capsule'a light turn whites and opens. When I'm able to get out , I just give her a tight smile before grabbing my purse and walk towards the door.

"Relax. It'll be fine." grabbing the knob, opening the door to exit the room.

The moment the door closes, I exhale sharply. We can do this. We have each others back and that's what matters. Just when I'm about to head to the garage, my bedroom door burst opens making me jump slightly. Looking back, I see Alex standing outside.

"What?" I ask her.

"I uh... C-can you apologize to Gregory?" I was about to snap at her, but she speaks again, "Don't you think it's a little unfair for me?"

"He's an ass--"

"Axe." she gives me a pleading look, "Please?"

I took a deep breath, attempting to walk out but Alexia grabs my arm and make me face her again.  "Just do this as a favor Axe."

"And why would you bother in making it up to him?"

"Because we need him! I need him!" she points to herself, "He can access the security and command the guards, he's an ace for us."

After she said those things I can't help not to laugh, "Why won't you just say it straight in my face that you like him? Don't use the mission as a pass."

Her muscles tenses, but she was able to calm it down in a blink of an eye, "Says the girl who just had the guts to show her feelings after 10 years." she rolls her eyes and gives me a face.

Raising my hands up, I just nod and say. "Alright, alright."

"Thank you." she runs to me and hugs me tight.

"You do know that explanation was lame right?" I said hugging her back.

"I know, I know." she chuckles, "Didn't know love can make me this foolish."

"Too bad." releasing her while I pout.

She furrows her brows and ask, "What?"

"I didn't get the chance to record that one."

"Ass!" she shouts and smile, "Go now or you'll be late."

"Fine. Byeeeee."



"Be safe." the sincerity and worry now visible in her face.

I give her a single nod and say, "Will do."

Heading out, wearing a grin in my face. My car automatically lights up upon scanning my biometrics. I then grab the knob and open the door upwards.

"Jane." I call the artificial intelligence encrypted in my car. "Scan the car's condition and have it fixed immediately."

"Verifying voice..." it responds, "Voice identified as Alexia, to proceed with the commanded operation kindly have your fingerprint scanned."

The scanner slides slowly and I immediately press my thumb on the green lighted square allotted for the finger on its small screen.

"Slight damages detected, proceeding to do the necessary operation." Jane's robotic voice speak up again.

While waiting the nervousness is slowly creeping in my chest. Drumming on the steering wheel, calming myself down. When the operation is done. I immediately command Jane to locate the Glassman's mansion.

When the mansion is in sight, I set the car into autopilot. Doing some final touches on my face, composing myself. Passing through the front gate's guard who didn't even bother in looking at me. He seems to hate Xiandra's character now. I just smile to myself, taking one last glance into my rear view mirror as the car slowly parks itself into the garage.

Stepping out the car, three strong built men comes in my way and much to my dismay Greg is one to lead them. Looking around, I cleared my throat and nod. The guard starts to scan my car, while Greg stands there not looking at me.

He fake a cough and states in a monotonous way, "We have to do extra searching one of Mr. Glassman's Cyborgs was reported missing last night at seven p.m."

Oh, so it's almost six hours before they find out that that effin robot disappeared. How poor the security must be, smirking to myself I just smile at Greg. "It's alright, whatever it is that  took your robot must be very sneaky not to get caught."

"True." his simple reply, but he exhales, and then he looks at me seriously, "Though I wanna ask you some questions."

"Sure." I smile.

"What time did you leave the premises?"

"I was out late afternoon at one p.m, right after you arrived."

"Hmm..." he wrote something on his notepad and glance at me before he continues, "You are the last person seen with the cyborg---"

"Wait you don't address them by name?" I cut him off. They're still humans, just with bionic parts.

"You mean codes. No, I don't." he shakes his head and sniffs, "So yeah, answer? Diverting the topic will make me think that you brought it home."

"Excuse me?! I just thought you also treat them like a person." I defend, raising my brow at him, but he just shrugs.

Glancing back to me he shot me a look and seriously states, "Don't look at me like that, I might kiss you." he grins.

Ew. Gross.

"Fine!" I cross my arms and exhale, "He did park my car to the garage that morning."

"And?" this time he's the one to raise his brows at me, "Did you happen to observe something strange?"

If I'll say that piece of metal trash scans Alexia's car he might ask me about something that catches the interests of the robot with my sister's car. I don't want more question, I need to go to work to save my dad and his friend.

Shaking my head I say, "Nope not at all."

"Are you sure? Something's telling me you did." he close his notepad and tuck it to his pocket.

"What?! Why ask me if you won't bel---!"

He cuts me off and laugh, "Kidding, you're clear to go."

Rolling my eyes at him, I bitterly spit the word... "Thanks."

I was about to walk away when  I remember Alexia's request, swallowing my ego. I look back at him, he also looks at me with a questioning look. "I'm sorry." shocked by my own voice cause it comes out very sincere. I almost believe it myself.

Greg just gave me a tight smile, so maybe that's my queue to leave? Yeah, maybe it is.

"And oh Xiandra!" Greg calls, so maybe I wasn't dismissed yet.

I glance back at him and raise a brow. "What?"

"Get laid, you know? To shake off that stresses."


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