Chapter 22

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After the talk in the garden, we take Greg for a small tour around the mansion since he didn't have the luxury to do so when he was here. Stopping at the weaponry section Greg looks at the technology and the guns in awe. Putting his palms on the glass looking at the people working inside the laboratory like a little kid looking at whales inside an aquarium full of wonders.

"These are sooo cool." he got his eyes wide and a grin on his face, seeing the new Biometrics charging guns he immediately say. "Can I test them?"

"No yet, they have to undergo Quality Control first before we can touch it. There are people assigned to test those guns, and it's obviously not you. The last thing we want is to have some stranger washing off and trashing around  this area."

Greg pouts, then looks at Alex while pointing at me. "She really hates me that much?"

Alexia giggles, "Axe is just naturally allergic to men, uhm but well... except Nicoli."

"I see." Greg simply nods his head, I narrow my eyes at him, but he just frowns at me and look back in to the laboratory with that funny look again.

Remembering where Greg came from, I breath out and say, "Fine."

They both look at me in utter surprise with their mouths both slightly agape when I speak up. I just rolled my eyes at them and starts walking towards the laboratory door to grab the knob. When I sense that they aren't following me I look back, raising a brow at them. They just stare at me motionless like a pair of retarded statues.

"Are you gonna test them or not?" holding the door open, I glance back, and say, "Those things won't obviously fire by themselves, better keep moving before I change my mind."  and with that I enter the laboratory.

After Greg tests his weapon of choice, we headed straight to the library where, Nicoli, Leyla, Edmund, and Philip waits. Linda is busy doing the kids monthly check-ups, so she can't get in here. Walking straight to my seat opposite to Alexia's, I can't help but to fidget a bit as soon as I'm seated.

"So what are we going to do first?" Philip was the one to open up the topic.

Voicing out the plan I already formed in my mind, I decided to speak up. "First thing to do, Tonight Greg will free up Xavier and Peter from the cell together with his trusted men, then they'll find Delia around the mansion. Whereas us who are in charge outside we have to make sure to avoid Glassman's cyborgs they'll automatically switch into a self-defense mode if they happen to scan a weapon in your hand." Pausing for a moment to give space for objections, when Alex nods I immediately continue. "About the weapons to be used, Nicoli just gave me an idea. We have the right technology to clone or replicate one of Glassman's Cyborg structure, but we will program them to aim for Glassman or Hans. While the guns that us humans will use, we're going to take the Biometrics activated guns in that case they can't use what's ours. We have enough stocks in the weaponry section but still needs to undergo inspection and a recruitment of people who are willing to undergo operations to be a sample cyborg."

"Are our people already enough?" Leyla asks with much worry in her eyes, "I know I should be confident that you can do it but, if you ran out of people that is a much larger risk."

Greg is one to answer, "All of those men working under Glassman's alliance follows me, they are my people from outside these walls. The only enemy we have are those who are in Hans Edwards side. We'll need less people tonight for freeing Xavier, Peter and Delia but, tomorrow we'll gonna need a lot. If those cyborgs gets ready on time which we estimated to be twenty-four, hours much assured we won't run out of people but, I can't assure the safety of all the people this is war Mrs. Horan nobody's safe."

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