Careful, It's Hot- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

This story starts off with Zeke injured and in hiding. His goal was to sneak into Paradis and to communicate with Eren in person but his identity was exposed and was tortured by the military police. He managed to escape but has to hold back from forming into his titan form because bringing chaos to paradis wasn't in the plan. This story takes place in between the 4 year time gap in the manga

Zeke POV

I'm laying in a small alleyway catching my breath and trying to come up with any solutions on how to get the hell out of here.
This plan was too risky but I think I got the message across to him. From now on I think I'm going to find a better way to communicate with Eren being that my disguised plan was a big failure. If I want this to work I need to come back and show them that I'm on their side.

I can hear the MPs searching around the village. As I'm thinking to myself and catching my breath I look up to an unknown figure. A female with a concerned look in her (e/c) eyes. She was attractive.. wearing a white long sleeved button down dress that complemented her body and combat boots.
Her hair was different and unusual. It was (long/short) and had (curls, straight, frizzy, whatever unique hair you want). Something you don't see on women too often where I'm from at least. We lock eyes and have a moment of silence

Your POV

I'm making my way home from the market and I usually like to take a sketchy shortcut.
I became lost in thought thinking about what I plan to cook for dinner and also excited to try out a new tea flavor I purchased.

I began to notice a trail of blood which woke me up from my thought and followed it.
To my surprise I saw a man sitting on the ground. He was catching his breath. His blonde hair looks messy and long, like he hasn't had a haircut in months and his beard was also long. He had round crooked glasses on which were cracked. He looked up at me as if he was worried he had been caught. I look into his greyish/gold eyes and felt pity.

I break our silence "Sir, are you ok?"

He then gives me a faint smile "Yes I'm fine, just got into trouble with a couple of thugs, I can't seem to stay out of trouble these days" he chuckled.

I sighed "Ugh I thought this thug situation was under control already! The MPs have other priorities these days and they haven't been sending much people into the village to investigate."
I noticed his bigger wound was in his abdominal, the blood covers a good amount of his beige shirt in that area.

"Well.. We just had the Survey corps return from an expedition and there are many casualties, so the hospital is packed at the moment.. plus it's a far walk in your state... my house is just two blocks away, I can tend to your wound and let you rest there for the day."
He looked as if he was thinking for a minute about my offer and then agreed.

Zekes POV

Yes this is perfect, I can hide out in her house and buy myself some time as I come up with a way to get to the wall. Let's just hope she isn't too popular around here so no one comes to check on her.
I agreed to her offer and stand up to follow her. I can't help but think it's strange that a innocent looking woman like her isn't scared to take a battered up man into her home. Being that she's aware of the threatening situation near her home.

As we are about to cross a somewhat busy street, I spot the MPs questioning people.
Shit they must of found out I left the cellar.
I became a little nervous and let out a groan as if my wound was hurting and then quickly back myself behind a wall, just to distract her and to give myself a moment to think.

She turns back to me
"We are just a few more houses down, hang in there"
She grabs me by my wrist and wraps my arm around her shoulders. She is petite, no more than 5 feet probably (or just shorter than him), her head reaches right under my chin. I have my arm resting on her shoulders and my fingers caught in between her thick (h/c) hair.
Her hair smells like lavender.
As we cross the busy street I bow my head low, almost to try and hide my face behind hers as I sneak a peek to make sure the MPs are not looking this direction.
I can't help but think how ridiculous this is.

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