His Cologne- Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Your POV

Zeke and I approach a small group of people; I recognized Reiner, with him was two other males and a female. Zeke butts in their conversation

"Good evening guys."

They all turn and look directly at me, Reiner looked pleased to see me

"(Y/n)! You look lovely tonight." Reiner compliments respectively. I thanked him and returned the compliment

"So, you must be (y/n), it's a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Pieck. This is Colt, Pock and I see that you've already met Reiner." She gives me a friendly handshake.

"I told you to stop calling me that already!" Snapped one of the males who had his hair neatly combed back.

Zeke slightly nudges me towards the group, "I have some personal business to discuss with Magath, keep her some company for me please?"

"Of course! Come here, we don't bite" Pieck says pulling me by my arm as Zeke leaves.

"How about we all check out the food bar?" Reiner asks the group. The guy with the slicked back hair clicks his tongue and leaves.

"Don't mind Pock, he just strongly dislikes Reiner" Pieck says. I turn my attention to Reiner, who had a bothered look on his face.

We make our way to the food/snack bar; they had all sorts of small cuisines. Pieck and the younger man named Colt gave me recommendations on which of the cuisines to try and which to stay away from,

"So (y/n) tell me, how is Zeke treating you?" Pieck asks curiously

"Oh, um, well good I suppose. He's been very considerate. Although he's gone a lot of the time."

"As expected" she replies

"It still surprises me that Zeke is married, he never once mentioned you, up until recently." Colt adds. Pieck gives him a shove.

"Oh, forgive me, I didn't mean for that to sound disrespectful." Colt says embarrassed

"No, it's ok. I'm still trying to figure it all myself. I haven't regained any of my past memories, so we are just taking it slowly."

I noticed Reiner was a little quieter than usual. Eventually after getting to know each other and sharing some laughs, Pieck and Colt went their separate way, leaving only Reiner and me left. Things felt a little awkward at first but then Reiner asked for a friendly dance to break the tension.

"You really don't have to! Please, go on ahead and socialize with your friends." I insist to him.

"Oh don't worry about it, I don't have much friends here anyways and I've been trying to avoiding my superior officers all night." He chuckles while leading me to the dance floor.

He supported my right hand against his clammy one and had his other hand on my upper back, being as respectful as he could. While dancing to the waltz, I noticed Reiner being rather serious again.

"Something bothering you Reiner? My dancing isn't that bad is it?" I joked

"No not at all, it's just..."
He paused, debating on whether it was appropriate to speak his mind.

"You can speak freely with me, it can stay between the two of us." I gave him a friendly smile, catching his eye contact and having him surrender into a smile of his own.

"It's just you remind me of some friends I use to have back in the day."

"Oh? Tell me about them."

"It was back during my long mission at Paradis, I got close to a few people there."

"Right, Zeke told me about that, you and three others were sent there, I'm sorry for the loss of your comrades." I say to him genuinely.

"Thank you.. W-what exactly has Zeke told you about Paradis, if you don't mind ms asking?"

I begin to explain to Reiner all of what Zeke had told me, the history, and the war. All of which had shed Paradis into a negative light. I continue,

"...But I'm sure you made great friends, between the two of us, I don't see them as these 'devils'. They are Eldians just like us. I don't find it logical to attack our own kind."

"I see, I guess you really don't remember a single thing." Reiner said in a tone barely below a whisper.



I don't question him, in fact, I wasn't exactly sure what he had said over the music and laughter. The song had finished and we were about to start a new dance until Zeke showed his face ,interrupting us.

"Thank you for keeping my wife company Reiner, I'll take it from here." Zeke says, reaching his hand out to me.

"Sure, enjoy the rest of your night together." Reiner says excusing himself.

Zeke takes ahold of my hand, pulling me in closer to him by my waist, our bodies practically touching. His cologne smelled overwhelmingly good. I can't believe something as small as this has such an affect on me.

"I have something to confess." Zeke claims. I look up at him, meeting his eyes.

"What is it?" I ask

"I have two left feet."

"I'm not really getting the hang of this dancing thing either, Reiner was the one leading me during the last dance." I couldn't help but laugh through that sentence.

"What do you say we get out of here?" He asks. As we danced through our conversation, Zeke steps on my foot.

"Ouch, Yeah lets just go" I giggle

Zeke apologizes, scratching the back of his head and I grab him by his arm to pull him away from the dance floor.

We get ourselves comfortable in the carriage and talked about our evening until I eventually began to feel tired. I rested my eye for what felt like five minutes but it had actually been forty minutes. Zeke gently pats me on the arm to wake me up and we make our way inside the house.

"You looked beautiful tonight (y/n)." Zeke says. I take a minute to look at him and I think to myself

Zeke truly is a handsome and amazing man. It upsets me that I don't remember a thing about him, but what I do know is that warm feeling he gives me now, the flutters I feel in my chest when he winks at me. The hypnotic state I'm in when he's near me, when I get a big whiff of his cologne and the ease he puts me in by just the sound of his mellow voice

I walk in front of him, invading his personal space and he doesn't move an inch. I place my hand on the side of his bearded face, tilting his face closer to mine. Our noses touching, I take a second to inhale his intoxicating breath. He gently places his hand on waist and his other hand between my jawline and neck, I could feel him getting impatient but waiting for my next move. I close the gap between our warm lips but then, within a second into our kiss a sudden shock of electricity sparked on my lip, causing me to jerk back.

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