The Bar- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Zekes POV

These last few weeks have been so stressful. Between handling private paperwork, making my fake marriage into a real one, re assuring my superiors that my private life wouldn't interfere with my duty, constantly feeling paranoia and guilt when I look at her. It was hard to look her in the eyes but I try convincing myself that she would probably have a safer life here anyways and she probably would have been dead by now if I never took her with me.

To think that I'd ever let a woman control my emotions like this, especially letting myself feel attached to this girl on the first day we met. I've had flings with women before but they all meant nothing to me. Relationships were sometimes I never concerned myself with because I don't have time for silly romances and I've never felt a real connection but I fell in love with her strength and beautiful soul; I can't keep myself away from her, like we're connected in some way.

Everyday gets harder for me, she's asking more questions and my lies will only get me so far and although I wake up everyday throwing up more lies to her face ,I promised myself that I would never intentionally hurt her, I want to be a good man to her in the short time I have left, but I have to keep my patience, I would never want to take advantage of her, I will let her come to me.
We make it to my favorite bar and I ask (y/n) what kind of drink she'd like. She asks for a scotch, interesting. We sit at the bar with our backs against it. I rest my arm on top of the bar right behind (y/n) so that her back is slightly resting on it. I felt like I had to do something to claim her because I know how some of the men here get when they see a pretty lady. (Y/n) didn't seem to acknowledge or care about my arm. She had already gotten tipsy.
She began to crack jokes and pick fun of the other men and I couldn't help but laugh. She was adorable to me with her rosy cheeks and the fact that she was very lightweight.

Our attention is drawn to a group of men who were betting money by throwing blades at some targets on the wall. One man had betted all the money he had and failed miserably as the others laugh and make fun of him. He was begging and pleading with some sob story about needing to take care of his wife and kids. He went on about how they are practically homeless and this was his only chance but the group of men continue to mock him and count their earnings.

(Y/n) rose up from her stool and made her way towards them. Shit this isn't good
I get up grabbing her arm twisting her around to stop her,

"Let me do this, trust me" she winks at me and frees herself from my hands. She pulls out all the money I had given her for the week, which wasn't a lot and placed her bet. The men continue to laugh at her but she carried a confident and stoic look on her face.

"It's not much but the worst that can happen to me is that I lose and you will get more money. Even if it's a little, money is money right?"

A tall fat man with dark features and a mischievous look says "I tell you what pumpkin, you make all four targets and our money is yours, but if you miss, your money is mine and I also get to take you home" the dirty man winked at her while inching his way closer to her but she doesn't move away

"I'll do it with a blind fold on" she says grinning and the whole bar starts to give her all the attention. I'm standing their cringing scratching my ear not knowing when to step in. I guess it's my fault for bringing her here but I didn't think she would get like this. I don't doubt her skills being that she nearly killed me once but maybe she's getting carried away.

Before putting on the blindfold, she studies the targets on the wall and the man hands her four blades. Everyone is still riled up as she positions herself to throw the first blade. She threw it at a high speed and it landed perfectly in the first target. The whole bar then grew quiet and the fat man and his friend were stunned, as was I. She then threw the next three back to back without hesitation and everyone went wild. She takes her blindfold off looking at what she had done,

"Well I'll be damned, I actually did it" she was stunned herself. She turns to the men and sticks her hand out "I'll take what I'm owed" but the stunned fat mans expression turned into an aggressive one

"You fucking cheated, the bitch had to have cheated, there is no way!" He pulls a blade to her neck and I then stepped in. I grabbed his arm kicking his elbow to its opposite direction causing it to snap. The man falls into excruciating pain and his friends give up 5X the money that (y/n) had put in. She then brought it to the lousy man who had lost his family's earnings and whispers something to his ear. The man thanked her, kissing her hand and left in a hurry.

"Alright it's time to go." I pull (y/n) from the crowd of people and we also leave in a rush. She was giggling and slurring her words "I cccant believvve I d-d-did that."

"Yea me either" I replied. Although I suddenly remembered that day when she was on the ground and threw her blade straight into my wrist to draw the sword out of my hand. She trips on her feet and I catch her just in time before she hits the ground. "Alrighty then, get on my back" as I kneel down for her.

She gets on "Woohoo I'm riding the beast!" I let out a chuckle. As I continue to make my way home she rests her head on my shoulder, giving me a warm feeling inside my chest.

"I wonder how I-I-I did tthat, imagine the th-things I could do-do sober."

I can't help but smile, "I'm scared to find out (y/n)" she falls asleep on my back and I tuck her in bed once we got to the room. I must of sat on the bed and watched her for 15 minutes hypnotized by her beauty. I brush her hair out of her face and slowly lead my hand to her cheek making my way to her soft pouty lips. I lean in close resting my forehead on hers inhaling her sweet breaths with the small hint of scotch.

I felt the big urge to give her a gentle kiss but stopped myself "No, not like this. I want our first kiss to be something you can remember."

I leave her to sleep and lay down on the sheets that I place on the living room floor every night, hoping that with time, she could fall in love with the real me. The me that I don't show to anyone.

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