Paranoia- Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Your POV

After that day I kept having dreams about Zeke at night. Rather dirty ones. I mean, he is my husband right? So I guess it's only natural that I have these feelings towards him, but it still feels too soon. I don't know what kind of relationship I had with him other than what he had told me.

It's been over two months now since I've been living here with him. He had told me in the beginning that he didn't want to do anything that made me unfortunately but he still felt confident enough to throw flirty but subtle comments at me, knowing that I liked it and was too prideful to say anything. He never touched me again though, he was always respectful of my personal space, which disappointed me a little.

The next few weeks he was gone for military business. I never asked him about his work life. Well, I didn't want to know, to put it more bluntly. I had a feeling that I wouldn't like the things he was doing or has done. I've already heard stories from people but I try to push it out of my head.

Everyday I do my daily routine and I go out to greet the same people that I see. I wasn't treated too poorly since I'm married to Zeke and everyone around the neighborhood were really fond of him. I would also go visit his grandparents, he introduced me to them not too long ago and his grandma has really taken a liking to me... I occasionally would bump into Gabi and the rest of the kids after their training. But the way Gabi spoke about this Paradis place and the devilish people made me feel uneasy for some odd reason; I learned to keep my opinions to myself.

(Time skip)

Zekes POV

After 3 weeks I'm finally on my way back home and I can't help but miss (y/n). I was away attending meetings for our next move on gaining the founding titan and also some more titan shifting training so I don't lose my touch. Aside from that I had my own ulterior motive's and plans to work on, on the side.

On the train ride back my paranoia snuck up on me..

What if she gained her memories back? And I come home to a big chaos... no, I would have heard something by now if that happened. Or what if she's waiting for me to come back and attempts to kill me. How would I keep her tamed and on my side?

I start to drive myself mad with my thoughts, just imagining all the worse case scenarios

"You look like you could use a drink." Pieck says, sliding a cup of liquor to me. I thanked her and drank it a little quickly than I should have. "Easy there, troubles at home or something?"

I look at her replying "Huh? Why do you say that?"

She shrugs her shoulders "I dunno, everyone is curious about your weird marriage so I thought I'd ask."

I look outside the train window hoping to stray away from the subject.

"You should just take her to the Warriors Ball and introduce her to everyone already." Reiner adds.

Every other year they have a silly formal gathering for all Marleyan Warriors to attend in elegant attire, to drink and socialize.

After the long train ride I find myself in front of my door hesitating to open it. I was still a little paranoid but before I got the chance, the door had opened itself.

"You're home!" (Y/n) jumps up and gives me a tight hug which took me by surprised. "I'm sorry, I just missed your loud snoring across the room and your witty comments" she giggles standing with the door still open waiting for me to come in.

The room smelled good and familiar, it triggered my hunger. "I made soup! I'll serve you a bowl."

I sit down and she places the steaming bowl of soup in front of me. "Careful, it's hot" my heart dropped to the ground,

This scene is all to familiar, she knows, she has to know, she's playing mind games with me

I blurted out "Y-You know."

She looks up at me with a puzzled look while still blowing down her hot soup "Know what?" Her face looks sincere and rightfully confused. Maybe I was wrong, I try to cover up what I was about to say

"... you know, I couldn't stop thinking about you." She blushed and looks down at her soup.

"Same here Zeke."

We ate our soup in silence and when I was done I decided to ask "So, why'd you make soup?"

She replies while getting up, grabbing my empty bowl. "I'm not sure, I kinda winged it but it came out good didn't it?"

I gave her a smile. "Yes it did."

(Sorry this chapter was a little short)

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