Who Are You- Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Your POV

The next morning I wake up tucked in my bed and to the delicious smell of sizzling eggs. I walk out the room, puzzled seeing Zeke making breakfast.

"H-hey. What are you doing home?"
I ask confused since Zeke is almost always gone before I wake up. He turns the stove off and slides the last of the sunny side eggs that he made on a plate.

"Morning. Sorry to disappoint you but I actually have to head out soon. I need to deal with yesterday's situation.. but I'll sit down and eat breakfast with you before I go, I know it's been awhile." Zeke says while setting the breakfast up and pouring warm coffee into our cups.

I thanked him and we start eating,
"Should I come with you today? You know.. since I'm a big part of that situation." I ask

"For now just stay here, I'll try and take care of everything."

We continue to eat until we hear a knock on the door. I go up to get it but Zeke beats me to it. "Sit, I got it."

He stands behind the door and I try to ease drop on the conversation. The voice sounded like Colts but I couldn't make out what he was saying, Zeke then steps outside and closes the door. A few moments later Zeke comes back in the house looking a little upset.

"What is it Zeke?"

"The General wants to talk to us, well, you. He got released from the hospital almost immediately. The bullet wound on his shoulder wasn't serious at all.. Looks like you will have to come with me." Zeke then whispers to himself "Damn it, I thought I'd have a little more time to figure this out."

"D-do you think I'll get in trouble?" I ask fearfully

Zeke walks over to me and places his strong hand on my shoulder, "I won't let that happen." And he gives me a reassuring smile. "Now finish up and get dressed, we need to go soon."

We arrive to the HQ and run into Colt. He waves at us as he makes his way closer. Zeke asks Colt "Have you spoken with him yet? Does he seem mad?"

"Yes I have and no, he doesn't seem too upset, you know how he is, anyways, don't keep him waiting." Colt pats me on my back while giving me a nervous smile, which hyped up my nerves.

When we get to the door Zeke holds both my hands and says "Don't be scared, just let me do the talking." I nod and he knocks on the door, entering when permitted.

Zeke salutes him and the General raises his free hand putting him at ease. His other arm was in a sling. He fixes his gaze at me and orders me to sit on the single chair in front of his desk. Zeke stood right behind me with his hands together on his back.

"How is your shoulder General?" Zeke asks

"Good, it was a cheap shot. Bullet went straight through, barely caused any damage."

"That's good to hear... Excuse me Sir, about yesterday.."

The General interrupts Zeke, "Yes, yesterday.." he looks back at me, noticing my nervousness. "... Who are you?"

"I-im (y/n), (y/n) Y-yeager." I stutter

"Yes I'm aware of your name and that you're Mr. Yeagers wife. Where did you come from? Who taught you to fight like that?" He asks

Zeke clears his throat and tries to talk for me but the General interrupts him again. "I'm not speaking to you Zeke... I'll ask again, Where are you from and who taught you to fight like that?"

My mouth felt dry but I still take a big swallow of nothing. "I-I'm not sure Sir. You see, I'm suffering from amnesia. Apparently I had no family. My latest memories are waking up in the infirmary and barely knowing my name."

The General did not look amused, "Is this some kind of joke?"

Zeke again tries to chime in "It's not Sir, she's telling the truth."

"Well then maybe you can tell me about your wife since you apparently know more than she does."

"Right, well, I met (y/n) in Liberio, we became friends which soon turned into a romance. She didn't have family, she was on her own for the most part. One thing let to another and we eloped.."

"I didn't ask for a love story, I asked what you know about her."

"She didn't share details about her past with me. But she's a strong woman because she had to survive living on her own without any relatives.. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got herself into trouble with some thugs, ending her up in the hospital with amnesia, that's all I know.."

"I see.." the General combs his facial hair with his fingers

"How old are you Mrs Yeager?"

"Um, somewhere in my early twenties I hope." I reply honestly. The General broke into a small chuckle and then quickly composed himself.

"I haven't seen someone fight like you before. You have a Warriors blood running through your veins, we need people like you. Maybe you'd consider it? I'd even go as far as to say you could possibly be a perfect candidate to inherit one of our titans."

I was flabbergasted at what the General had just said, I look up at Zeke who also had the same shocked reaction.

".. Sir please, that is not a good idea. Yes she is skilled but we have other hard working Warriors, much younger, and getting better over time.."

"Are you defying me Yeager?"

"N-no Sir But.." Zeke gets cut off again

"This is why you Warriors shouldn't be involving yourselves in relationships. Have you already forgotten your purpose Zeke? Or do I need to put you in your place?...All I can do is ask you to consider Mrs. Yeager, but the other Officials now know about you, and are eager to get their hands on you, they won't be as kind as I'm being right now."

I wasn't expecting any of this, of course I didn't want this life for myself, but from the way it sounds, I don't think I have much of a choice.

"I truly appreciate your kindness General, I will take it into consideration." I say politely.

"Thank you, the two of you are dismissed."

We leave his office and I could tell Zeke was not happy, in all honesty, I was a little scared to talk to him. We walk silently through HQ to head back home until we run into a couple of the other Warriors that I met at the ball, as well as Gabi and the other kids.

"(Y/n)!" Pieck waved, trying to get my attention, I gave her a smile of acknowledgment and made my way there. Zeke following me but from a far distance.

"We heard what happened yesterday, and also witnessed the crime scene." Pieck says, waiting for a confirmation. Gabi runs up to me and looks at me with eyes of admiration.

"Is it true (y/n)? Did you really do all that yourself and save the General?" She asks enthusiastically.

"U-uh Yes" I say trying to be humble

"Wow! (Y/n) I need to be your pupil, please take me under your wing!" Gabi begs

"O-oh um.."

"Not gonna lie, I was pretty impressed, I thought maybe Zeke was the once who caused all that damage." Porco said.

"So what did Magath have to say about all this?" Asks Reiner

"Well.. he wants me to consider becoming a Warrior." I respond. Everyone gasps, completely thrown off from what I had just said.

Zeke finally comes closer and places both his hands on my shoulders, "That's enough, doesn't your nosy asses have somewhere to be?" He pulls me away, forcing me to walk. I look back and give them a sympathetic smile.

"Uh oh Zeke doesn't seem very happy about this." I hear Colt say in the background as we make our way farther from them.

Memories (Zeke Yeager X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now