I Fancy You- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Zekes POV

Shit, time for me to go.

I felt a little bad as I ran out. She was nice.

I'm running through the village knocking anything and anyone out of my way, eventually I ran into an MP and had a scuffle with him. I successfully managed to take his gun and gashed him in the head with the rear end of the rifle.

I continue to make my way closer to the wall, shooting at anyone who was after me. I ran out of bullets and tossed the rifle.

I managed to make it onto their man made elevator as I threatened another MP with his life to continue elevating us.

When we got to the top I tossed him down. My only chance now is to turn into my titan form as I jump away from the wall, being that it was my only option because their was no titans nearby for me to summon.

I spotted one of those scouts making their way up the wall with their 3DMG and race towards me.
Could it be Levi?
This scout was on the short side and their hood was up.
If it is Levi I better go now before..

I only took my eyes off him for a second before he reached me, and I saw my right arm fly behind his head..

My arm, my arm had been sliced off

I stop the blade with my other hand but then I was kneed on my abdominal and then kicked on my chest. I needed a second to catch my breath but he wouldn't let me.
As he darts at me and I barely dodge his blade across my face, cutting some of my beard hair.

His hand to hand combat was remarkable, Levi or whoever this skill man is, is dangerous.
I was finally able to get his blind spot, I kicked him flinging him over 15 feet away. His sword went lose; I managed to grab it and was heading for the kill.
He was laying there venerably. As I raised the sword his hood fell off..

Wait, this isn't Levi, this is no man, it was a woman

She then revealed her face

It was (f/n)

Your POV

I'm stupid, so fucking stupid. I let this man into my home, I let my guard down. This man, who killed my friends.. my best friend who was like a sister to me and my Commander, who I looked up to, I admired him so much, he was the reason I switched over to the Scouts from military police. I have so much hate and rage for the beast titan, this man has no soul. He killed the people I loved like it was a game to him. That heartless bastard.

I continue to let the rage build inside me forgetting all the positive thoughts I ever had for him.

I will avenge my comrades, my best friend.. the man who made me who I was today.. Commander Erwin.

Zeke raises his sword but as soon as he recognized me he hesitated.
We locked eyes again but it was different, his eyes weren't different but mine were.

I carry a lot of knives with me, they are kinda my specialty, and so is my aim. I throw a short blade at him impaling his wrist making him let go of my sword. I knock him down and get on top holding both my swords to his neck in a X position getting ready to decapitate him.

"This is the second time you had the chance to kill me and didn't..."
I said furiously. I tighten my swords to his neck drawing blood.
"...Why?" I asked.
You can tell he was in pain but not one bit scared.

He replies in a raspy voice
"Because I fancy you"

His answer pissed me off
"Are you mocking me!? Is this a joke to you? Do you even understand the hate I have towards you? You are a monster, you've killed so many people I love and cared for and that is unforgivable"

Memories (Zeke Yeager X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now