Shameful-Chapter 18:prt 2

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Chapter 18 Part 2

To fill in those who skipped the smut part. (Y/n) came on to Zeke and things got steamy but Zeke ended up rejecting (y/n) because she had brought up "wanting to remember doing stuff like that👀" Zeke felt that making love just wasn't the right thing to do at the moment a left the scene.

Zekes POV

I make my way to my favorite bar, to get a much needed drink. I sit in the very corner of the bar and order some liquor. I can't let myself go back home until I think of a believable story as to why I rejected her the way I did. I start to fight with myself in my head, going back and forth on whether or not I should confess to her about the truth. As I'm on my eighth glass, the arguments I was having in my head started to escape my mouth.

"Hey buddy no one is listening to you, go home you're drunk!" Some random man yells at me while his friends laugh with him. I pay my tab and head back, still not knowing what to expect when I look at (y/n) (e/c) eyes.

Your POV

What just happened?

Everything was going smoothly, he seemed as if he was enjoying himself, until he wasn't.

I came to the conclusion that Zeke tends to act different when I bring up the past, before I lost my memories. I never intended to hurt him by bringing it up. I felt so embarrassed after the way I forced myself on him. He must of found that so unattractive.

A few hours go by and so I bathe, put my nightgown on and make some tea. I made an extra cup hoping that Zeke would come back so we could talk things through. More hours had passed and the tea had gotten cold so I threw it out.

I sit near the window, throwing myself a pity party until I hear a loud tumbling noise on the door. I look at the door, debating if I should go to it and then I hear a muffled "Shit"

Finally deciding to get up and see what to commotion was, I open the door to find Zeke on the floor, completely drunk.

"Zeke!" I help him stand back up and try my best to support his weight as I walk him to my room. I unintentionally throw him on my bed and he puts his hand over his mouth; I caught the cue so I rush to the bathroom to grab the small trash can and successfully made it to him on time. His vomit was pure liquid. He laid on his back and starts moaning childishly.

"(Y/n) ....agh...I'm so sorry"

"It's ok, sleep it off"

"(Y/n) ... ngh..I have something that I need to tell you."

"We can talk about it tomorrow. Go to sleep, I'll bring you some water."

I prepare Zeke a cup of water and bring it to the room but he had already fallen asleep. I struggled to take his coat off but managed to do it, then I take his boots off as well and toss a blanket over him.

I make my bed on the living room floor, just like Zeke does. It was uncomfortable.

I can't believe Zeke sleeps like this every night

The next morning I made sure to wake up extra early so I could make some coffee and breakfast to cure Zekes hangover.

After I'm done making everything I open the room door to take a peek inside. Zeke was in bed still but awake, he was just staring at the ceiling. He turns his head to me, "Morning." He says with a raspy morning voice that I don't get to hear often.

"Morning, I made coffee and breakfast."

Zeke sits up and rubs his head "Great, I think I'll take a quick bath first"

"Sure, I'll get it ready for you."

After his bath we eat our breakfast in silence. I'm use to these awkward silences by now so it doesn't phase me.

"I want to talk about yesterday." I confess as I see him getting up to put his plate in the sink. I was scared he would leave in a hurry and that I wouldn't get the chance to get speak my mind. He proceeds to put his dishes in the sink but thankfully sat back down in his chair to hear what I had to say.

"I think I know what's been going on with you Zeke."

"Do you?"

"Yes.. I've noticed a sudden change of behavior whenever I bring up anything from my past.. I think you're hurt at the fact that I'll never remember what we use to have..." I give Zeke a minute to respond but he just sits there, looking at me but not directly in my eyes. "..I know that things are different now but.. I love you Zeke..and, well, I'm getting the feeling that it isn't mutual anymore. You've been a patient and understanding man and I thank you for that, but I understand if you want to move on with your life without me, I don't want you to spare my feelings and I also don't want to be a burden to you."

Zeke gets up from his chair. My heart sinks.. I bow my head down, expecting him to walk out but he picks his chair up and brings it next to mine. He sits back down, drags my chair around to face his and places his hand under my chin to lift my head back up.

"You've got it all wrong (y/n), I don't plan on leaving you... and don't you dare ever think of yourself as a burden." Zeke placed a kiss on my forehead and that was all the reassurance I needed, but I still had questions.

"Last night you said you needed to tell me something."

"Did I? I was drunk so whatever it was I'm sure it wasn't important."

"Oh ok then.. how about we make an oath?"

Zeke raises an eyebrow, "What did you have in mind?"

"From now on, let's stop bringing up the past and asking questions. We can just start a new beginning, make new memories, start fresh"

"I like that idea." Zeke smiles and gives me a warm loving kiss. "And I'm sorry for being a terrible husband to you, I'll make it up to you later tonight."

"Oh really? How will you make that up to me?" I ask with a little smirk.

"You'll see." Zeke winks at me and gets up to put his chair back. "I have my usual errands to run, I'll be back a little later so go on ahead and eat dinner without me."

"This is your way of making it up to me?"

"Just don't fall asleep before I get back" he chuckled.

Zekes POV

The talk with (y/n) helped put my mind at ease temporarily, or more like, I was content with us moving on from the past.

But I somehow managed to start believing my own lies. I blocked all the guilt and truth out of my head. Is it so bad that I just wanted to be happy for the time I had left? I would have never found a connection like this with any other woman. It's only a shame that it took this long. The truth always had a way of coming out, I know that, but maybe I won't have to worry about that until my last days here on earth.

I felt awful about that night where I rejected her. For an astonishing woman like (y/n) to throw herself at a man like me, I never felt so stupid. She's a woman with needs of her own and I plan to fulfill that, I'm going to do this for her, not for me.

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