My Father-Chapter 21

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Chapter 23&24

Filling those who skipped the smut chapter. (Y/n) and Zeke finally made love, but in the very end of it (y/n) feels another electric shock which triggers another memory. (I have not gone over the memory yet so don't feel like you have to go back and read the smut chapter)

I laid there still, trying to process everything in my head. Zeke pulls himself off me and sits up, his eyes were widened.

"I felt that too." He says while reading my facial expression "Did you ...have a memory?"

I try to brush it off. I didn't want it to ruin the moment we just had but this memory left me distraught "It was nothing, j-just another childhood memory."

Zeke looked concerned, he crawled his way next to me on the bed and made himself comfortable. "Tell me about it, I want to know" he insists.

"It wasn't much, I just slightly remembered my father"

"Well that's a weird thing to remember during a time like this." Zeke teased "Are you sure there isn't anything else?"

"I-I'm sure, nothing important anyways"

"Hm, ok then.. (y/n), I love you, I hope you know that." Zeke presses his lips against mine

"Mmm, love you too Zeke"

"I'll go pour us a glass of wine" Zeke picks up his pants and I watch him walk out the door..

I couldn't tell him my whole memory, not until I figure out what it could have meant. Zeke said himself that he doesn't know anything about my past, that I had secrets of my own... Maybe I kept these secrets for a reason.. I reply the memory back in my head..

I was still very young, just as my last memory. I was living in an luxurious building, maybe a castle? There were no walls, I could see mountains as high as clouds right outside my bedroom window. The people around me spoke a different language, but for some reason I could understand what they were saying. My memory is hazy, I could remember being a happy little girl until my father took me away.

My father was a tall, intimidating man. The night before he took me away, he sat me on his lap and had a chat with me and I understood almost everything in this foreign language. He called me Princesa, he told me that we will be starting a new life in a different country, that it wouldn't be as good as the life we have now but with due time, I will return home as a hero and a Reina. I understood what he said for the most part but not exactly what he meant. He called me Princesa and said I would be a Reina? I was Royal? My father mentioned that it was vital that I never speak about where I'm from or the knowledge I had of the world outside of this new country that would be living in.

The next following morning we took a ship out to the sea. I felt as if we traveled for months, along with my father and I, there was a ship crew and a few of our royal military security. I remember one night feeling scared with a storm happening, the waves rocking the boat viciously. I make my way around the small halls of the boat and noticed a room with the door cracked open. My father was inside having a meeting with the others of the Royal military and crew members. In this odd language that I somehow understood my father said

"Everything should go according to plan. We only have to find a way to get through the walls in Paradise. After that I shall raise (y/n) amongst the Subjects of Ymir and get as close to the Royal court as I can."

"I'm curious, what is your true purpose of this?" The ships Captain asks.

"We plan to retrieve a titan of our own. Our countries military is strong, but not strong enough, we need to get ahold of this power."

"But if what I learned is correct about the titans history, only Subjects of Ymir can be turned into a titan, and probably a mindless one at that. We don't possess the blood to inherit such power." A military member adds.

"That is where my daughter (y/n) comes into play. I will have to deceive my way into the likings of the Royal family there. Once I've gained the Kings trust, I will confess a bit of the truth about our Royal blood and our homeland. I will offer my daughters hand and (y/n) shall be betrothed to him. They will bare children who will inherit the blood of Ymir, from there , I will do more research as to how my grandchildren can inherit the titan powers. This will take time so I'm asking for the countries patiences, we will be back, and we will be stronger."

"If I may be so bold Prince (fathers name), Why aim as high as their King? Why not have her bare children with a random village boy? They are all Subject of Ymir there." A member of Royal Military asks curiosity.

"It is said that if two unrelated members of a royal family bare a child who gains possession of the titan abilities, the power would be greater than you could imagine. Two Royals with no ancestry relations are supposed to have a special bond, this may play in my favor. According to our ancestors, even without the titans power, the child would be close to invincible, they will have the greatest strength to their human capacities."

After that moment was the first time I had felt scared in my six years of life. That was about all I could remember

Zeke came back to the room to check on me, I put my robe on and shared a glass or two of wine with him.

"I suppose I should get ready for bed, I have an early day tomorrow." Zeke notes

"Come sleep with me from now on."


"Yes" I say to Zeke while wrapping my arms around his body.

He pats me on the head with one of the happiest grins I've seen from him "Ok"

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