New Knowledge- Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I felt so comfortable inside Zekes arms, as he laid behind my back spooning me. But even that wasn't enough to make me feel content. I had so many questions.

This can't be true? Am I remembering this all wrong? It just does not make any sense to me. It seems as if we tried to make our way to ... Paradis? What happened to my father? Did I ever make it there? How the hell am I supposed to figure all this out..

The next morning I go to the library to find any bit of research I could. I started with the Geography books but the information was limited. I then looked through language books but didn't find a language I recognized, in fact, there was barely a list of languages. I then moved on to research more about the Fritz family but according to the records I found, they were the only living Royals. I've been in the library for hours and begin to feel a little frustrated. The librarian took notice and asked if I needed assistance.

"How big is our world?" I ask bluntly

The librarian chuckled "Why aren't you a curious one aye?"

I let out a sigh. I wasn't very hopeful that I would find much. The librarian opens up one of the Geography books I had on the table and points at the maps "Im afraid this is all what we've discovered."

"Don't you think there are more countries/ civilizations beyond this map?"

The librarian man looks around and grabs me by the arm, forcefully pulling me up from my chair and to the libraries break room, locking the door.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I ask feeling a bit frightened

"Are you not smart girl? You're an Eldian, you should know better than to be vocal about your theories and questions..." he lets out a loud sigh ".. lucky for you, it's only me. I have many theories of my own about the world beyond Marley and Paradis but the walls here are thin.." The librarian writes something down on his note pad and slides the slip in my cardigan pocket. "... meet me in this address, I've written down the time and day as well." He then leaves and casually put back all the books I've laid out.

I took the note of from my pocket to read it.

Hm, three days from now?


Zekes POV

The General still insists in enlisting (y/n) right away and I'm running out of time..

I come back home later than usual and greeted (y/n) with a kiss on the head, "Sorry I'm late"

"It's ok, did you eat?"

"Yes I ate while I was out. Sorry"

"Don't worry about it, want me to draw your bath?"

"That would be great, thank you."

(Y/n) gets my bath ready and then bashfully stands by the door. I raise my brow at her, feeling a little confused

"C-can I join you?"

I give her smirk while I make my way inside the bathroom, unbuttoning my shirt "Please do"

I undress, sit inside the steaming tub and light up a cigarette as I'm waiting for (y/n). I couldn't help but be surprised by her boldness lately. She seems to be a little more confident in herself and that truly makes me feel happy. (Y/n) finally comes inside the bathroom, completely naked. I made it obvious that I was admiring her Beautiful physique, which made her flushed and uncomfortable. I reach my hand out and help her get inside with me. I pulled her back against my chest, forcing her to relax and get comfortable. I can feel how timid she felt and I took pleasure in having that effect on her. I puffed the smoke away from her face and placed a few gentle kisses on her shoulder and she responds with a hum,

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