The Warriors Ball- Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Your POV

I didn't think I would feel this happy about having Zeke back. For awhile I started to hold back on any feelings I had for him. He was intimidating at first but I grew comfortable; though the thought of a romantic relationship with him made me feel apprehensive

Do we start fresh? Or where we left off before I lost my memory? I feel like this is all so unfair to him, he's been so patient with me, his wife, who he had a loving and physical relationship with in the past

I'm too much of an awkward person to initiate anything so I told myself that if he tried anything, I wouldn't push it away.. but he's kept to himself. More than usual and I'm not sure how to go about this.

We were having our usual evening tea on the couch and he was reading through some paperwork in one hand and rubbing his shoulder with the other.

"Y-you ok?" I ask fearful that I'd disturb him. He answers me not taking his eyes off the paperwork

"Just stress, don't worry about it." He hasn't stopped rubbing his shoulder.

"Maybe I can help relieve some of it." I stand and walk around the couch to get behind him, he followed me with his eyes, confused on what I was attempting to do. I politely push his hand away from his shoulder and begin to rub it, hitting all the knots and pressure points. He grunts in pain but relief while slowly putting his paperwork down.

"Why are you so good at this? Have you been massaging other men while I was away?" He snickers.

"Haha of course not." I continue to massage him putting my weight into it, his big muscles were so tense, he has his eyes closed, letting out small moans here and there. It made my heart race. I wanted to stop, I could feel my face heat up and could also feel my strong heart palpitations.

He then grabs my hand that was on his shoulder and turns his head back at me giving me a warm smile. "Thank you."

I returned the smile at him and made my way to clean up our cups and the kettle. I could feel Zeke watching me from behind. He does that often but I still have not gotten use to it. I want to know his thoughts when he's watching me but I'm too scared to ask such a bold question.

Zeke clears his throat "So every other year we have to attend a Warriors Ball, I'll be taking you to meet some people." He says in a stern voice. I look back at his serious face, unpleased with the way he asked me.

"Is this how you ask a lady out?"

He raises his eyebrows, acknowledging that he did sound a bit rude. "Uh-sorry, I'll rephrase that. May I have the pleasure of taking you to the Warriors Ball?" He says in playful but somewhat genuine way.

"I'll have to think about it."

The next morning Zeke was gone as usual but he left me a generous about of money with a note that said:

Treat yourself to a dress for the ball but don't go too crazy. See you in the afternoon

I was a little scared about meeting his comrades and especially his superiors, I want to make a good impression on them so I need to look nice.

(Time skip to the night of the ball)

Zeke POV

It's been 4 months and (y/n) is still coming up with new questions about her past. I can't help but feel irritated and I think she feels it too. I don't want to hurt her.. knowing the past would hurt, but I think my attitude is also hurting her.. she is starting to see right through me. I just want to move on from the past and focus on the future, well the little years that I have left now. I want to make the best of it, I want to feel her love before I'm gone.

I put on my formal military attire and wait for (y/n) to finish getting herself ready. She's taking too long but then again, she is a woman. I finally hear her open the door and I turn around. I held my breath and it was as if the world stopped moving, she looked astonishing. She had her (h/l (h/c) hair pulled up, exposing all of her beautiful facial features. She was wearing a velvet red dress made of silk. It was very slim showing off the curves she's been blessed with. It was also a V neck showing an appropriate amount of her chest and her laced long sleeves hugged her arms. I've never been breathless like this before. The only thing that came out of my mouth was "Wow"

She timidly approached me "You've never seen me in a formal dress before?"

I grabbed her by her hand "No, but you look like a goddess."

She became bashful but held a firm grip to my hand "You look dapper as well"

I place her hand around my arm. "Shall we?" We get in the carriage and I am still not able to take my eyes off her. I know she feels me looking at her, but I don't care.

Your POV

I've never felt this shy before and I've definitely never seen Zeke speechless. It made me feel a little confident going into the night.

We make it to the venue where the ball is being held. Everything looked so beautiful. People were dancing, socializing, champagne and wine were being passed out. Almost all the men were in their military attire and not to mention all the beautiful women in their formal gowns. I'm holding onto Zekes arm still feeling a little timid while he leads me through the crowd of people. A waiter hands us a glass of red wine.

"Ah Zeke! Good evening" a short man said approaching us with two other men behind him.

"Good evening Sir" Zeke replies

A red haired man who stood behind the short man spoke up, "Well don't be rude, who is this lovely lady you have around your arm?"

"Oh yes, sorry, this is my wife (y/n)." Zeke looks at me and speaks to me in a lower tone "These are a few of my superiors that I told you about"

The red haired man grabs my hand and placed a sloppy kiss on it "A pleasure to meet you darling, I always knew Zeke had great taste"

I could smell the alcohol in his breath. The short man beside him had a repulsed look in his face "Thomas please, that's an Eldian woman" He says forcefully pulling the red haired man back.

"Oh hush, you know I don't discriminate against attractive women."

Zeke could feel how uncomfortable I was getting so he pulled us away from the situation "Well, if you'll excuse us gentlemen." After breaking away from the men Zeke pulls me aside

"(Y/n), I have some extra business to attend to, would you mind waiting around for me?"

"" I look around nervously, to be honest, I didn't want to be alone. I felt so out of place here. Zeke took notice of my behavior; he placed his hand on the small of my back and started to lead me towards a certain direction

"Here, let me introduce you to some of my fellow Warriors before I go."

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