Recollecting Memories- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Zekes POV

It's been 2 weeks since I made it home. I left (y/n) with the only doctor that I trust here and I made sure to have him send someone to me if she were to wake up.

She's still unconscious but she's ok so far. I had to have some help sneaking her in so I reached out to Reiner.

Believe me, I don't trust that bastered for a second but he may be useful to me. He has trained and some what grew up with these people, maybe he knows something about her.

Unfortunately he was a useless piece of shit with intel. He knew of her but nothing really personal about her, they were barely even acquaintances. According to him (y/n) was a military police who did a lot of dirty work but had also volunteered often in the medical center. As to when and why she became a scout, he's wasn't sure.

"And what exactly are you going to do when she wakes up?" Reiner asked me.

"Not sure, I'm just making this up as I go" I shrugged. 

Reiner seemed slightly annoyed "Why even risk it and bring her in here? You've cold hearted killed people before, what makes her special? That she's pretty?"

Reiner began to get on my nerves, I'm starting to grow regret in getting him involved

"Listen, I have my reasons. Which are none of your damn business, we had an agreement that you would help me cover this up... You're not thinking of double crossing me are you? Because I learned a little extra information about you on my little trip.."

Reiner interrupts "I wouldn't dream of it."

I glare at him so he gets the message a crossed.


A scrawny boy approached us "Excuse me sir, are you Mr. Yaeger?"

"Who's asking?"

The boy was slightly intimidated "Uh I was sent here to let you know that Dr. Creeds patient has woken up"

It wasn't until now that I began to feel nervous about this situation that I got myself into. "Great, thank you."

I make my way to the private infirmary with Reiner behind me. He seemed interested in seeing how this was going to play out. When we got there I was expecting some yelling, arguing, some sort of chaos to be happening when she woke up, since she seems a little on the crazy side.. but to my surprise it was quiet.

This doctor was introduced to me by Tom Xaver. I trust him with private medical information and he only takes certain patients into his practice.

"Ahh Hello Zeke."

"Dr. Creed, how is she?"

"Well, there's a good and a bad to this situation. She is awake and her body is in good health but unfortunately she's suffering from amnesia. The poor girl does not remember a thing about her past. She is very confused, she can tell me her name and seems smart medically and academically but as far as where she's from, who she is, she knows nothing."

I stand there surprised at what he had told me. Reiner scoffs under his breath "Looks like you're one lucky son of a bitch."

I ignored his comment "Will she get her memories back?"

The doctor replies "Well every case is different this could be permanent or temporary. I say maybe with a lot of help from a therapist she may be able to regain small memories but this can take some time." 

This is a sad situation but I can't help but see it as a blessing in disguise. I'm nervous that when she sees my face a memory will trigger. I walk to her room with Reiner still following behind me.

I knock on the door but she didn't answer so I opened it slowly. She was sitting up, her hair all messy and gripping onto her sheets that were pulled up to her waist as if she was slightly cold. She returns eye contact with me, she has a blank expression in her face.

Good, she doesn't seem to remember me, or bad in her case

Your POV

My eyes try to flutter open adjusting to the bright natural light from the window. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like an hour, trying to get my brain to work but it won't respond.

I try to recollect my memories on how I got here, or who I even am. The doctor came into the room happy to see that I had woken up. He ran some tests on me, asking me a series of questions about what I can remember about myself and also common sense knowledge questions. He explained to me that I had amnesia and went more into medical detail. I jump in occasionally defining some of the medical terms he was trying to explain to me so that he can move on. I was tired and my head was beating. I just wanted to be alone. He finally left the room and I attempted to take a nap but I couldn't stop thinking. The fact that I don't know much about myself is driving me crazy.

I know my name is (y/n). I don't know my last name. I think I'm 26.. or am I 22? That's a far stretch, let's hope I'm 22. I know medical terms, was I a nurse or doctor? Why is my hair like this? I feel some type of negative feeling towards it, maybe I was teased about it in the past.

I was alone for about 2 hours just trying to regain any memory, even the slightest ones but I can't get far. I hear a knock on my door and I stay quiet hoping it would go away but the door had opened. It was a tall white male. His hair was blond and cut short with some longer bits of hair falling to his forehead, he had a clean cut beard and round glasses on. Following behind him was a tall husky blonde male with shorter hair and a serious somewhat scary look to his face. The man with the beard pulls a stool across from my bed and sits down. He stares at me with a sheepish look on his face while scratching his ear, the other husky mean looking blonde has his back against the door with his arms folded across his chest looking at me, making me feel uncomfortable. The bearded man clears his throat.

"So uh, how are you feeling?"

I think he may be nervous because I see a drip of sweat falling down his neck even though the room felt cold.

"I'd like to think I've had better days. But who knows"

His nervous look turns into a more relaxed one. I continue

"..Are you two more doctors? Or am I in trouble for something I did?"

He reassures me "No no not at all"

A part of me was relieved
"Thank goodness for that... So then, what are you to me?"

The bearded man paused for a minute before responding

"I'm your husband"

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