Dinner- Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Zekes POV

After my chat with Reiner, I attended a meeting with the General and the other Warriors. They had mentioned there being a new group of Eldian Restorationists causing trouble and making threats. Memories of my parents began to flood back. I had flash backs of the times they would leave me with my grandparents for their secret meetings and also my training days, when I tried hard to please my father but I ended up being a disappointment to him. Ever since I turned my own parents in, it was all I was known for... I dozed off not noticing my named being called.

"Zeke... Zeke... Excuse me Yeager!" The general calls out.

"Y-Yes General, Pardon me."

"...As I was saying..." The General continues, "...We need to find them and put an end to this before they cause unnecessary trouble, I don't have the time nor patience to deal with this inconvenience, so if any of you find any information on them, report it immediately. Dismissed"

After the meeting I head back home to pick (y/n) up for the dinner I promised her. I made it home but she wasn't in the living room so I go to check the bedroom and saw her sitting next to the open window. She was playing with a stray cat, clicking her tongue and cooing at that thing like it was a damn baby. (Y/n) was so entertained that she didn't even hear me sneak towards her.

"GAHHHHHH" I yelled at the top of my lungs, causing the cat to hiss as its hairs rose up in anger and then falls out the window. (Y/n) was also startled, jumping up almost falling off the chair.

"Christ Zeke!! What was that for??" She cries out holding her hand over her heart.

I laughed uncontrollably
"Ahahaha I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." I held my stomach as the cramping caused by my laughter dies down.

"That was mean!" (Y/n) says while sticking her head out the window to see if the cat was ok.

"I don't like cats, he'll just keep coming back and get clingy if you acknowledge him."

"Well, Mr Tubbington has been coming to visit me everyday already. Someone's gotta keep me company while you're gone."

I scrunch my nose to make a face "You named it Mr Tubbington? What an ugly name." I teased. We've gotten so comfortable around each other that we tend to have little playful fights like these.

She gets up with the most annoyed look on her face and shoves me "humph!" As she shoves me I grabbed her by her wrists and pulled her in for a kiss. It caught her off guard but she relaxed into the kiss, releasing herself from my grip on her wrist and placing her hands on my chest. The mood turned passionate, after a few sweet kisses I pass my tongue around her bottom lip and she responds by touching my tongue with hers. Her breath starts to hitch and she grips my clothes, pulling me in as much as she could to deepen our kiss. Finally our lips separate as we gasp for air. She leans in to get more but I jerk my head back denying her lips. She raises one eyebrow and I give her a smirk.

"You seem hungry, why don't we get you some real food."

She giggles, releasing her grip on my shirt and straighten out the wrinkles she caused. I give her a pat on her head and she playfully swats away my hand.

We make our way to the restaurant, while walking I had my arm slugged on her shoulders. Ever since our first kiss, she seemed to be more comfortable being physical with me, it's as if all we needed was that kiss to break the ice.

I made reservations this morning for the restaurant. This restaurant was as fancy as it gets for being in Liberio. Once we got there I gave the hostess my name but she denied having me on the list.

"..But I came by this morning to make a reservation!" I explained, feeling frustrated.

"Ah yes, I think I remember you. Unfortunately we have a party of people who needed the extra table and chairs so it may be a little bit of a wait."

I stand their not knowing what to do at this point and feeling a little embarrassed of the failed promise I made to (y/n) about a fancy dinner. (Y/n) grabs me by my arm

"It's ok, I know a better place we could go to!" She says with a smile.

"Ok, sorry about that."

She insists that it was ok and I follow her lead. After walking for a bit we make our way towards a dicey street.

"Um is this where you're going to secretly kill me?" I joke

We stopped near some outdoor tables that were next to a lamppost. A few feet away was a large window with food displayed through the glass. The food looked weird, it was some type of odd looking hard shell with meat stuffed inside.

"I found this hidden gem when I got lost the other day! They call these tacos! This is the only place that sells them, I promise it taste better than it looks!"

I give her an uncertain look
"Very well, as long as it's not spicy."

(Y/n) ordered for us and we got the food right away, and she was right, this weird food called a taco tasted pretty good, I ended up ordering double.


"Mm?" I reply with my mouth full.

"Why did you fall in love with me?" (Y/n) asks in a serious tone

"Good question."

(Y/n) gave me unsatisfied look. I chuckle under my breath and swallow my food before giving her my proper answer.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you, I already knew you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. That day when we chatted and got to know each other I just felt an instant connection with you, like I was meant to met you."

"Zeke.. that was really romantic."

"I try." I winked.

"Well you should try more often." She smiles. I grab her hand from across the table and gave it a kiss.


Sorry for late/short chapter. I'm like 6 more chapters ahead but dealing with some writers block🙃 So I've been releasing these a little slow. Anywho. Here is a silly doodle I did of the scene where Zeke is judging the taco😂

 Here is a silly doodle I did of the scene where Zeke is judging the taco😂

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