Lets Play Ball- Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Your POV

The next morning I woke up with a beating headache but surprisingly, given the mental state I've been in, I remember everything from last night.

I go to the living room and find Zeke gone again but he left a small note:

Went out to grab us some breakfast, be back soon.

There was a warm cup of coffee on the stove for me. I clean myself up and drank my coffee. As I'm about to put the metal cup away in the cabinet, it slipped from my hands and fell onto the floor. I bend down to pick it up and noticed a ball hidden in the corner. The ball didn't look familiar to me but I began to play with it.
I lean on the table while throwing the ball on the floor, ricocheting to the wall and back into my hands. It felt entertaining to me so I did it repeatedly.

Finally Zeke comes through the door "Oh! You found my ball."

I don't stop my continuous activity "Yea it was hidden in a dusty corner." I feel his eyes burning on me while he stands there observing my movements. I decided to catch him off guard "Think fast!" As I throw the ball at him not giving him much of a chance to react..

..But to my surprise he caught it with one hand effortlessly, his movement was so fast I barely even saw him move. He smirks "Nice, you have a good throwing arm."

"Yea well, I learned that last night"

Zeke tosses the ball back to me in a more gentler way then I had threw it. "Ahh so you remember?"

"Yes, surprisingly" I snicker

"How about after breakfast we go out, play some catch and see what else you can do." He says as he's setting up the breakfast he bought on the table.

"Oh, you don't have things to do today?" I ask trying to hide my happy emotions.

"Nope, I'm all yours."

Zekes POV

After breakfast I take (y/n) to a secluded area for us to play catch. I was looking forward to it since it's been so long since I've played. It's just the part of me that never grew up.

I bring two gloves, fitting one in (y/n) small hands. "Is it supposed to be this big?" She asks

I reply "Well yes and no. The glove is supposed to be big but this one may be a little too big for your baby hands but we can make it work."

She looks at her hands self-consciously, not finding my comment cute. I showed her how to grip the ball with her glove and we started to toss the ball at each other. I throw a few curve balls and laugh as she gets blindsided, stumbling while trying to catch it. The smile on her face and seeing her enjoy herself made me feel happiness, sometimes I hadn't felt in a long time.

We both were enjoying ourselves and twenty minutes into it I tell her "Alright, throw me a good one. With all your strength."

Her (e/c) eyes widen "All my strength? Well ok, you asked for it."

I can't wipe the grin off my face as she backs herself farther and begins to stretch her body. She gets into her stance, lifting her left knee as high as she could, shifting all her weight to her right side where she held the ball against her glove. I was distracted by her body position that was showing off her beautiful curves but I snapped myself out of it and get into position. She seems determined.

Then with all her strength, she throws me a fast ball and I jump high in the air to catch it, leaving a stinging feeling in my hand. I take my glove off to shake it off.
"Oofff. That was a good one."

She runs up to me feeling proud of herself. "You ok?"

"Haha yes, I have to say that was impressive. Any woman who can throw a fast pitch like that would have a man on his knees."

I kinda think about what I said scratching my ear thinking maybe I should have left that last part out. She blushed but ignores my comment. I interrupt our awkward silence, "How about we see if you still have those hand to hand combat skills."

She looks surprised "I was good at that?" I slightly regretted bringing it up, if I keep getting her familiarized with her past activities she may remember something.

"Ok show me the basics first." She says all excited

(Y/n) POV

As Zeke was showing me self defense moves I couldn't help but study his body. I pretended to be paying attention at the moves he was showing me but I found myself admiring his eyes which I finally got a good look at since he took his glasses off.. I also began to admire his body as well.

The weather had finally warmed up, so the two of us were a little sweaty, especially from moving around so much. He had his sleeves rolled up halfway revealing his strong forearms. His white shirt stuck to his sweaty body, outlining the muscles hidden underneath. As I was distracted Zeke took a swing at my shoulder knocking me to the ground.

"Hey! I told you to dodge that! Are you ok?"

I rub my sore shoulder "Yea sorry, the heat was getting to me."

He kneels down to my level "It is pretty hot out huh? Let's head back then." He reaches his hand out to help me up.

I saw this as the perfect opportunity to trip him backwards and gain dominance. I kick his chest knocking him on his back. I position myself on top of him, my knees on each of his sides. I sit on his abdominal while pinning his arms down with my legs and having my right arm pressured against his neck.

In that moment I began to feel déjà vu which made me pause for a few moments, forgetting that I was choking him.

"(Y/n), I-I can't b-breath"

I snap out of it releasing my grip on both his arms and neck. "I'm sorry, I just had a serious case of déjà vu. Has this happened before?"

Zeke gave me a slow reply. "Yes, you've definitely been on top of me like this before.." putting his hand on my thigh.

I quickly jump off him feeling my face beginning to flush. He sits ups "Sorry, I took that too far. Ignore that stupid comment."

I look at him with my red face "I will" I didn't want to show him how that really made me feel but I'm not good at hiding my emotions and he seems to be good at pointing this out about me. I couldn't get the image of me on top of him out of my head, the fact that he suggested that I've been on top of him in such a sensual way. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the thought of that. I didn't notice that I was squeezing my thighs together while having my dirty thoughts.

"Do you need to pee?" Zeke asks grinning cheek to cheek, while scanning my figure with his eyes.

"Uh um, yes, really bad actually." I lied.

He stands up and gives me a hand. "There's some bushes over there."

"You know, maybe I can hold it until we get back home."

Memories (Zeke Yeager X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now