Im Ready-Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Your POV

We made it back to the house without saying a single word to each other. Zeke sits himself on the couch, places his glasses on the coffee table and rubs his temples, exhaling in frustration. I sit next to him, placing my hand on his muscular thigh.

"What now?" I ask

"Don't worry about any of this. I will figure something out." He says still rubbing his temples.

"You know, maybe I will consider it, I mean, your term is almost up anyways, what would I even do when your gone?" I'm lightly brushing my thumb around his thick thigh.

Zeke grabs my hand, pulling it up to his face and gives it a kiss. "I want you to live a full and happy life, grow old, become a chef, own ten cats, find someone new, I don't care, so long as you are happy and not wasting the rest of your life fighting a war."

"Zeke.." I lean in, placing my hand on his warm neck and give him a kiss. His fingers tickle my face as they comb my hairs out of his way when going in for more. I let out a soft moan, as he slowly trailed his kisses down to my neck, I couldn't help but smile as I felt his beard tickling my neck, causing me to get goosebumps.

"Mm..... I can't believe I don't remember your sweet kisses." I whisper. He stopped his kissing and slowly pulled away.

"..I'm going to take a cigarette break." Zeke then gets up and walks out the door. I was left there confused.

Did I do something wrong? Why does he always pull away when things get passionate between us?

Zekes POV


It was only a matter of time before things got bad. How will I fix a situation like this? The last thing I wanted was for (y/n) to get involved as a warrior. I need some time to think about this but I'm not sure how much time I have left. Maybe I could consider telling her the truth and sending her back to Paradis? No.. I can't. If I come forward, who knows what kind of hell she'll raise. I've already seen what she's capable of.. but still, how far can I put up with this perfect husband act. She's noticing my behavior. There is nothing more that I want than to have this happy relationship with her but I can't, not as long as I have this guilty feeling that's killing my insides. Holding myself back has been a challenge and she's getting the wrong idea...

I went through three cigarettes before I decided to go back inside. (Y/n) was still sitting in the same spot of the couch waiting for me.

"Sorry about that. I just needed some fresh air to clear my head."

"Doesn't smell like you got much fresh air." She jokes, pointing out the lingering smell of cigarettes on me. I smell my clothes self-consciously. She continues,

"Don't worry too much about my future, I can handle myself. And at this very moment right now, I'm happy." She gets up from the couch and wraps her arms around me.

Time skip to a week or so

(Y/n) insisted that I come watch her train. She seems to be trying to prove to me that she's capable of handling herself when I'm gone but if only she knew that my doubts were never about her physical strength.

My cold behavior has been putting a strain in our relationship, but maybe it's for the best? I'm having slight regrets on bringing her here and allowing myself to swoon over this woman, but when I look into her beautiful (e/c) eyes, I lose myself. She is making me lose sight of reality.

(Y/n) has yet to remember anything useful about her past so my curiosity started to die...

A few weeks had passed and the General asks me to bring (y/n) over to the training grounds so he and the other officers could observe her skills. (Y/n) gave it her all and they were definitely impressed. They were growing impatient and wanted her in the program immediately but I manage to stall the situation.

Another time skip to a week.. (I suck sorry)

It was a rainy evening, I sat on my chair with my feet kicked up on the table, going through some paperwork I had in my hands. (Y/n) was on the couch reading a book but I could see from my peripheral vision that she'd take occasional glances at me. (Y/n) would also throw some annoyed sighs, desperately wanting me to notice her but I didn't give into it, I admittedly took pleasure in watching her get aggravated while I ignored her signs. After awhile she puts her book down a little aggressively on the coffee table and stands up. Finally able to grab my attention, she marches up next to me and forcefully pushed my feet off the table.

"What's all this about?" I ask her while playing the part of an obviously man, knowing how much it irritates women.

She had that serious look on her face that I find really cute, but I'd never admit it to her. "I-i think that I'm ready." (Y/n) says

I sigh and put my papers down on the table, "Look, I told you to not even consider it, I'm working on finding a way out for you to-"

She cuts me off "-No not that" she takes a deep breath and says "I'm ready to make love to you."

Just a warning, the next chapter will contain some smut. When I first started this story, it was going to be a pervy one😂 I'm not sure what kind of audience I have...
But from the beginning when I started posting chapters, I've included the "mature content" label to let people know before getting invested in the story. Anywho, I'll put another warning next chapter and I'll edit it so it could be skipped for those who are not into that sexual stuff.

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