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'I have to go.' I told him. He murmured in his sleep. I sat up and watched him for a few minutes. I felt so much better. We had made up but we still had a lot of talking to do. I kissed his lips and he smiled in his sleep. Even if we could just remain friends, that was enough. Though I couldn't pretend I didn't crave more.

I left the tent and found Woody sitting outside amongst the empty bottles beside the cold fire.

'Morning.' I said. He span around and shook his head, but had a smile in his face.

'All made up then?'

'Kinda.' I grinned.

'Good. Cos I hated being in the middle of you two.' He joked. Or probably wasn't joking. I pushed him playfully. 'But really, I'm happy for you both.'

'Thanks bro. How come you're awake so early?'

'You were in my bed.'

'Shit. Sorry. Well, if you wanna go snuggle up to Dan and keep him warm for me...?'

'Funny.' He laughed. I said goodbye and that we'd see each other soon. Lord only knew when that would be. Because Dan and I had agreed to meet up when we were both off, It didn't leave much time for family things.

I found Ed sleeping where I'd left him a few hours ago and gently shook him awake.

'Time to get up Teddy.'

'Ten more minutes.' He groaned.

'Now.' I used my foot to roll him over onto his back. After a few painful minutes of moaning and whinging that it was too early, we got the tent down, gathered our things and left everyone else to sleep. He was suffering the effects of last nights alcohol. 

The day was spent talking to more reporters from various tv and radio stations. We were each fueled by Red Bulls and coffee and plenty of greasy food. I promised him a nap before his set that night. I was glad I wasn't the one in front of cameras that day, I felt exhasuted. But it had been him who insisted we party all night. He was the one who had concocted the whole 'lets make Lily and Dan talk' idea. 

'You ok?' Ed asked as we walked back to the artist area to recamp later in the day. I nodded. 'All fixed?' 

'Kinda.' I smiled. It had been the same answer I gave Woody. Things were fixed. But now what? Where did we go from here?

'Good. He's a nice guy. He's lucky to have you.' I felt my cheeks turn crimson.

[[[the wonderful mess that we've made]]] [[[part iii]]]Where stories live. Discover now