Déjà vu

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Hey guys!

This chapter is longer and starts to get into the story more.

I am really tired writing this so I hope it isn't too shit, ok bye!


"Ok now listen. This is real music", Will speaks with certainty in his voice.
I raise my eyebrows and smirk at him watching him replace my mixtape with his in my yellow sharp tape recorder.

He sits back leaning against my headboard, closing his eyes, signalling me to listen. I roll my eyes at him laughingly and look back down at my English textbooks. We both have homework we need to finish.

Will and I share a room, and our house has four bedrooms, however, due to us renovating the house, that room isn't ready for one of us to move into. I'm fine with it, besides I like having someone to have in a room with me, especially when I get scared at night. Ever since the incidents on the 4th of July, I keep having nightmares about Billy and Max, blaming me for his death. After all, Billy is the one who saved my life, he died for me, and I could, I should have saved him.

"So you got to let me know. Should I stay, or should I go? ", the music blares through the room.

"Hey, you ok?" Will asks me with a worried expression written on his face. I shake myself out of my thoughts and back to reality, noticing that I had almost missed half of the song.

"Oh yeah", I say with a reassuring smile."Just zoned out for a second, that's all."

He eyes me and seeming to believe me, goes back to bobbing his head to the music, waving his textbook in the air.

I laugh in hopes of changing the subject. "So... this is what you call Music, the Clash?"

"Umm yes their just like the best band of all time", he bellows, and I laugh loudly.

As the song comes to an end, I place my mix back into the tape recorder, and we continue to talk and do our homework on my bed.

My bed is against the right side of the wall and has a nightstand next to it, his bed set up was the same just on the opposite side. He had a "The Clash" poster hanging above his bed, and he had a bunch of DnD figurines crowding the space on his nightstand next to his stack of textbooks.

My side is more organized than his, I took the falcon poster that I got from Mikes basement and everything else that I had in Hop's cabin and brought it with me, the Valentines Mike gave me lay on my Nightstand and above them hang the doodles I made of his name. On the bed sits my grey teddy bear and above my headboard is a small picture frame with a butterfly painting that belonged to Sarah which Hop gave to me. Basically, my side of the room looks pretty much the way it did in the Cabin and helps me feel more at home here.

"I'm almost done", I say in a relieved tone.

"Same", he replies, sounding just as relieved as I am.

I here the tape player stop playing music and switch to the next song.

"Just a little more time is all we're asking for", the music starts to play, and my eyes go wide, still glued down on my textbook.

"Cause just a little more time could open, closen doors", and I remember, my stomach fills with butterflies and a small playful grin appearing on my face.

"What are you reading in that textbook that I'm not?!" Will yells.

"What?" I asked, confused by what he was saying.

"You're totally blushing, and chewing on your pencil", he replies with a chuckle, his eyebrows moving up and down slowly.

I look down at my pencil and see tiny teeth mark indents. I had recently learned what the word blushing meant and realizing it made me turn a darker shade of red.

"Oh", I answer giddily pressing my hands against my face in hopes of getting rid of the redness. "It's just, the song."

"What about it?" Will asked suspiciously, he had closed and placed his textbook next to him and was now sitting cross-legged in front of me.

"Well...", I start not knowing what to say.

"Cause whatever it is it's exciting you", he says with a playful smirk growing on his face.

"Shut up!" I blurt out, hitting his shoulder jokingly.

"Ok ok!", he said laughingly gripping his shoulder. "But seriously El, please tell meee!"

He is practically begging me at this point, I hear the music continue to play in the background, and I sigh.

"Ugh, fine", I murmur trying to hide my grin.

He studies my face, as though he's trying to read what I'm thinking and going to say next.

"Well", I start nervously, noticing the rising heat in my face. "I used to listen to this song... with Mike."

I start playing with my hands, twisting my pencil within my hands before looking up to face him. I know he still clearly confused due to him furrowing his eyebrows, making them almost meet in the middle of his face.

"And..?", he asks, prodding for more information.

I smiled nervously and said "We would you know, ... kiss and-"

"Oh ok ok, I get dont need to hear any more!", Will says, cupping his hands against his ears.

I giggle, closing my book since I have finished my homework.

There is a short moment of silence as the song comes to an end.

"I really miss him, Will", I said looking down at my hands with a sad expression on my face, tears starting to form in my eyes. "That song just reminds me how much I truly do."

"I know El, and it's okay though you see him so soon anyway", he says reassuring me with a smile. "Less than a week now."

"Yeah, you're right", I answer, looking up at him. "Thanks by the way, for always being there for me, especially when I get scared at night. Its been hard getting used to living here and all the changes, but you helped me, Will."

"No problem El, besides I'm happy you're my sister", he replies, smiling at me. "Now I have more reasons to annoy you!"

I roll my eyes and nudge him. "Love you too, brother."



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know it's not that great, but please let me know what you think.

Stay tuned I'm going to post the next chapter real soon... <3

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