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Hey guys!! So, second last chapter and Im honestly so depressed help me. But this chapter is real cute so enjoy ;)

Like always, please comment ur I love reading them.

Ok bye! xxx


--{Mike's POV}--

El's lays on my shoulder for the duration of the drive home. We stop at Valerie's to drop her off, then at Andrews and finally we are on our way to our final destination, the Byers house.

For the rest of the drive, all you could hear was the light humming of the car engine and the pushing of the gas pedal.

Everyone, including me, was exhausted from this crazy night. I still can't fully believe I did what I did. However, I had no choice. Brady was hurting her, the person I care most for, and I couldn't bear watch that go down. Even though Brady could have probably snapped me in half with his own two hands, I had no choice but to try and protect her, even if that means me getting a black eye.
I'll do anything.
Anything to protect her.


As the car comes to a slow stop, I lightly pat Els head with my free hand. She slowly lifts her head, opening her eyes gently; she must've fallen asleep. She smiles at the sight of me, and I smile back in response.

I help her out of the car as we begin to walk towards the house. Jonathan quietly turns the keys in the door, knowing that Joyce is asleep and in attempts of not waking her.

"Hey, I heard what happened are you okay," I hear a voice murmur from behind.

I turn around to see the voice belongs to Nancy.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply as we all start to tiptoe into the house. We wave each other goodnight before dispersing into our separate rooms.

Holy shit.

It just hit me.

Tonight is my last night with El.

For at least a little while.

I grab my toothbrush and PJs and start walking towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna go change okay?"

El nods grinning at me.


After changing into my blue and white striped boxers and white v-neck shirt, I walk back into Els room. I smile to myself at the thought of seeing her in her cute little PJs.

However, as I walk in, she is nowhere to be seen.

"El," I whisper into the hallway, hoping for an answer. I slowly begin to make my way down the low lit hallways.

As I walk into the living room, I see her. Standing by the phone, holding it to one ear.

"El, what's wrong,"

She shakes at the sound of my voice, quickly turning around to face me.

"Oh, n-nothing," she answers hastily as she puts the phone back on the wall.

I glance at her, furrowing my eyebrows. She sighs, knowing that I can tell when she's lying.

"I-I was trying to call her," she starts shamefully, looking down at the ground.

"Who?" I ask bewilderedly.


"El, are you crazy!" I say trying to stay as quiet as possible.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now