I love you

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This is it. It's long so get ready and Im just gonna stop talking.

Enjoy Ily guys


I'm woken by the sound of birds tweeting outside. I begin to shift, as sunlight abruptly attacks my eyelids, forcing me to squint.

I throw my hands over my face, protecting my eyes from the strong sun rays.

Suddenly I remember, what happened last night, and who fell asleep next to me. I grin at the thought of him as I begin to reach my arm to feel for him.

I continue to pat the bed, as I dont feel his presence near me. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I finally start to open my eyes.

"Mike?" I croak.

I look over to see Mike sitting across from me on my bed.

He smiles at me "Good morning".

Seeing my look of dismay, he begins to explain himself. "I moved to let you sleep in, and you know..."

He begins to lean closer to me as if wanting to whisper what he is about to say into my ear. "because Joyce is awake".

I nod, looking over to see the door, propped open exactly three inches. I peer back over at him smiling; he smiles back, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

However, I know these smiles won't last for much longer. Soon, he will be leaving, leaving me, here.

Sure Im not alone here. I have my family and now Valerie. Technically even Brady, though, I wouldn't go that far yet. Nevertheless, when he's not with me, I feel as if there is a part of me missing — a space in my heart which no one but him can fill.

I kick the sheets off of my legs, slinging them over the side of the bed as I begin to stand up.

"Im gonna go brush my teeth," I tell him, heading towards the slightly cracked open door.

He nods at me affectionately. As I peer over at him, I notice his hand awkwardly placed behind him as if he's trying to hide something from me.

I arch my eyebrow in suspicion, however, decide not to bring it up. Since the next few hours we have, are precious, precious time that I dont want to waste interrogating him.


I walk into the bathroom, seeing Will brush his teeth over the sink.

"morning", he stifles try to speak without letting toothpaste foam leave his mouth.

I give him a small smile, due to being in a gloomier mindset from my thoughts a few seconds ago.

I grab my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth next to him.


As I finish brushing my teeth, I pull my hair to one side, holding it back as I spit the leftover toothpaste into the sink.

Suddenly, I hear Will snort abruptly, spraying small droplets of his spit and toothpaste across the mirror infront of us.

"What did you and Mike do last night?!"

I look at him bewilderedly, still holding onto my hair.

"Your neck" he replies, as he points at my neck.

I turn towards the mirror. My eyes go large, as I examine a purple and blue mark on my neck.

"W- what is that?" I ask in a worried tone.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now