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Heyyy guys!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, let me hear your thoughts in the comments I love reading them.

Anyway enjoy, bye xxx


This can't actually be happening.

I stare up at Brady in utter disbelief.

Seeing my lost expression, causes the corners of his mouth to turn upwards molding into an evil grin. "Hey Ellie"

I'm speechless, not knowing what to do or say, I can feel my heartbeat quicken.

"One little kiss," he says mischievously, puckering his lips causing a few people to chuckle to each other.

Valerie looks over at me, seeing the worry written on my face. She places her hand on my shoulder, comfortingly.

"Hey, you can spin again if you want."

I glance over at her, no emotion left on my face.

"Everything okay?" I hear Mike ask me in a concerned tone.

Brady walks into the middle of the circle.  "Oh come on Ellie, its just one kiss."

"No," I answer coldly, looking down at the floor.

"Brady leave her alone," Valerie tells him sternly.

But he only nears me. "Why, it's just a game."

"She said no," Mike snaps at him, standing up infront of me.

Brady looks Mike up and down, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, is this your little boyfriend," he says mockingly.

"What's your problem man!", Mike shouts, fierceness in his voice.

"Mike, it's okay," I say trying to convince him to sit back down, but he refuses. His instinct to protect me has kicked in, and there is no stopping him now.

Brady chuckles down at Mike. Mike is pretty tall; however, Brady is gigantic compared to him. "Oh come on Mikey its just one kiss, I promise I'll give her back after."

He leans towards Mike mumbling into his ear. "Well, you know, if she still wants you after kissing me."

"Back the fuck off," Mike hisses, making sure that he enunciates each word in its entirety.

"Or what?" Brady says, nudging Mikes's chest with his shoulder.

Mike stands there, staring straight at him, fury in his eyes. I look around me; everyone is watching this scene unfold infront of their eyes, not daring to say anything.

"Huh, tough guy!" Brady continues provokingly. "What are you gonna do?"

Mike looks at the wall behind him, seemingly trying to contain his raging anger.

"Wow you're pathetic," Brady laughs while turning to look over at me sitting on the ground. He observes my now tear-stained face.

He smirks. "Damn Ellie never thought your boyfriend would be such a w-"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Mike swings around, punching him right in the face and cutting Brady off, causing him to grunt in pain.

Everyone sitting near gasps in shock. Brady turns back to Mike, a sinister look in his eyes, and with one push, he throws him onto the ground. Brady straddles him, balling his fist before punching Mike right in the face.

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