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I'm gonna try and continue to update every day however these next few chapters, a lot and I'm going to be super busy next week, but I will do my best!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, please let me know what you think in the comments I love reading them.

Ok ill shut up now, enjoy!


I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off, meaning that its time to get ready for school. I toss and turn in my bed a few times trying to ignore the ringing sound of the alarm, my eyes still glued shut.

"El, will you please shut that damn thing off!!", Will croaks, his voice sounding raspy and unclear.

I turn around facing my nightstand and open my eyes, slamming my hand against the alarm to stop the excruciating sound that has been going off for the past five minutes.

I sigh as I sit up and look out the window, seeing raindrops fall against my window, they are almost invisible against the grey clouds covering the sky. I shiver at the thought of how cold it's going to be today, however, on a more positive note, today is Wednesday, November 27th. Which means tomorrow is thanksgiving, meaning we dont have school, and of course, meaning that tomorrow I get to see Mike.

For now, though, I need to get ready for school and make sure that I catch the bus. Every Wednesday, Jonathan goes to school around 6:00 am when the Darkroom opens to get a head start at developing his pictures, I'm not really sure why. Since Will and I are way too lazy to get up and leave for school that early, we sleep in till 7:20 and the catch the bus.

I get up and head into the bathroom and start getting ready. I walk back into our room and go over to my closet, seeing my dress hanging on the door of it, making me smile at the thought of tomorrow. I settle for a pair of baggy blue jeans and a grey knitted sweater, letting my shoulder-length hair hang freely.

As I finish getting ready, I walk into the kitchen and greet Joyce with a wide grin. "Good morning!"

"Good Morning El, you're in a good mood this morning!", Joyce says questioningly.

"Yes, well tomorrow is thanksgiving", I say quietly looking down at the floor and then at Joyce who is now raising her eyebrows and smiles at me, knowing exactly what, or more like who I'm talking about.

"Where's Will?" I ask, noticing that he isn't present in the kitchen, it's always quieter when he's not around.

Joyce's smile fades, and she points towards the couch. Lying on the couch, is Will, fast asleep.

I look at Joyce once again and then back at Will, then noticing. Tea and tissues cover the coffee table, and Wills complexion is paler than usual.

I hold my breath, already understanding what this means.

"He's got a fever", Joyce says in a saddened tone. "Which means he can't go to school today."

My whole body goes cold.

"Hey", Joyce says in a calming tone as she places her hand on my shoulder, she clearly sees the fear in my eyes. "Remeber what we talked about the other day, this is your chance to meet some new friends maybe. She smiles, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly. 

I sigh nodding at her in response remembering the conversation we had in the car yesterday. She is right, I need to be more open to meeting new people and today is the perfect opportunity to do that. However, that doesn't mean I am excited to have to do this. I have never gone out of my way to meet new people besides the people who have taken care of me, my friends at home, my family.

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