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Hey guys!
Ik this chapter is a little shorter but I needed to cut in half. Anyway pls enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments I love reading them!

"If I go, there will be trouble
And if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know", Jonathan and Will both belt out in unison as Jonathan drives us both home from school. 
I look at both of them and rolling my eyes .
"You guys are seriously weird, can we please turn it down it's too loud."

Will looks back at me sitting behind him in the car, giving me an evil smirk, then looking over at Jonathan and then turning the radio on full blast.
I groan at the loud music roaring throughout the car and cup my ears with both hands.

Jonathan and Will continue to laugh and sing the rest of the song. As much as this annoys me, I loved these funny moments with my crazy brothers. Truth be told, I wouldn't want it any other way.


After a long and painful carpool karaoke session, we made it home and Jonathan was pulling up into the driveway.
Our house was a decently sized townhouse with big green oak and birch trees enclosing it on both sides. It sits on a lake which is also surrounded by neighbouring houses and trees. It is truly beautiful here.
Will and I are ravenous from not eating enough lunch today at school and are racing each other to the door. I grab onto the sides of my bag and try to nudge him to the side as I start to pick up speed and beat him to the door.

As we run in we are greeted by a warming smile from Joyce who had already prepared snacks for us. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich and peanut butter and jelly covered eggo.

"Hey kiddos", Joyce greets us with a smile as Will and I both throw our backpacks on the floor and race each other to the nearest stool by the kitchen island.

Our kitchen is one of the biggest rooms in the house. It's the first thing you see when entering the house and connects to the living room. We have a large square marble island in the middle of the kitchen where we all eat most of our meals. This house is a real treasure to this family, especially to Joyce. I think sometimes she feels a little overwhelmed by how nice and big the house is, but if anyone deserves this beautiful house, it's her.

"How was school", she asks as we stuff our faces with our snacks. I look over at Will seeing peanut butter and jelly smeared all over his face. Typical.

"It was fine", I reply with not much enthusiasm.

"Okay", Joyce said in a concerned tone.

"She ran into Brady for the first time today.",Will said between bites of his sandwich before I had time to reply.

"Oh", Joyce replied and sighed. "He's a mean kid El try to ignore him and he ever annoys you again, you let me know."
She finishes placing her hand on mine and looking at me with a comforting smile.

I nod smiling back at her.

"Yeah, he's a total asshole!", Will yells out between mouthfuls.

"Will Byers language!!", she exclaims at Will with a stern but at the same time with a humorous look on her face.

I try to contain my laughter but then all at once, we all started laughing.

I hadn't even noticed that Jonathan had come into the house. But as I look back to the door I see him running towards it with his camera bag draped over his shoulder.

"Bye mom", Jonathan yells as he reaches for the door and heads out.

"Bye sweetie", Joyce yells after him.

"Where is he going?", Will asks.

Joyce smiles and looks up at him, "Its part of his surprise for Nancy."

Will rolls his eyes in disgust and I laugh at him. I smile looking at my now empty plate remembering the conversation from earlier today. Jonathan seemed so anxious and nervous to make everything perfect for her. I wonder if Mike would do something like that...

"I've gotta go finish my history assignment, Ms Harold doesn't want to give me extra time", he announces in an annoyed tone noticing what time it is.

"Will what do I tell you about not leaving things", Joyce says throwing her hands up in annoyance.

"Yes Mom", Will replies unenthusiastically as he leaves the kitchen with his bag slung over one shoulder.
I laugh standing up and placing my plate in the sink. I sit back down on the stool and drink my glass of water. Eager to finish quickly to see whether Mike had already tried to call me.

"So.., I had a little surprise activity I planned to do with you", Joyce said with an excited smile on her face.

"Oh", I say.
Not out of disappointment, however, I was really hoping to talk to Mike as soon as possible. But what am I thinking? She has given me a home and a family that loves and cares for me, I can't take advantage of that.

"Ok cool," I say, a smile appearing across my face. "What is it?"

"See that's why it's called a surprise", she replied grabbing her set of keys lying next to her on the counter.
"You'll have to wait and see."

She walks out of the kitchen and signals me to follow her and she leads me into the garage. She unlocks the car and opens the door.

"Where are we going?", I ask very much confused.

She stopped and looked at me smiling and raising both eyebrows.

"Oh that's right sorry", I chuckle.
"A surprise".

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. What do you guys think of it so far? Please let me know!
What do you think the surprise, stay tuned to find out.

Thanks for reading see you in the next one <3

Pls vote!

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