I know

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Heyy guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter, its a lot of information so get ready!

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Ok bye, Enjoy! xxx


"What do you want now Brady!"I look back at Brady, who is looking at me with a saddened expression on his face. His lips are red and swollen from his fight with Mike earlier.

"Can I please talk to you," Brady asks me quietly, clearly not wanting Mike to hear him talking to me.

However, his attempt fails, as Mike turns around, rage reappearing in his eyes at the sight of him.

"Leave us alone," Mike says coldly while re-intertwining our fingers as we continue to head towards the door.

"Please," Brady mutters to me. I roll my eyes and turn back around, wanting no to him once again. However, this time, I see the desperation in his eyes, the glass-like coat of tears covering them. At this moment, I can barely recognize the mean Brady who has harassed ever since I got here.

I sigh as I stop walking. "Fine, cmon Brady lets talk outside," I say pointing to the backdoor which leads onto the front porch.

"No! You're not going alone with him", Mike exclaims pulling me closer towards him protecting me.

I look up at his face, which is now inches over mine. "Mike"

He looks down at me, a troubled expression displayed on his face.

"I'll be okay, I promise."

I can tell he's about to say something to try and persuade me not to go. However, I cut him off by planting a short kiss on his lips.

He glances at me, surprised by the sudden action but starts to reveal a little smirk.

He nods as he looks up at Brady, his expression changing from gentle to threatening. "You lay a finger on her.."

Brady nods carefully, clearly not wanting to start another fight with Mike.

Mike squeezes my hand once more, before letting go of me.

"I'll be in the car, and I'll tell them to wait," Mike informs me.

I nod."We won't be long."

Mike nods at both of us before walking out the door; it seemed so hard for him to leave me here with Brady, which I can completely understand. I don't want to spend my night talking to Brady either; however, he seems so desperate to speak to me, and if he can give me an explanation for his irrational and foolish behavior, I'm all ears.

I look at him with a 'this better be good' expression written on my face. He directs me to follow him through the crowd and out onto the porch deck. As we get outside, the cold breeze hits my skin, sending shivers up my body.

I hug myself, in efforts to store my body heat.

"Look... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry", Brady starts, staring daggers into the ground, too ashamed to look up at me.

I stare at him, waiting for him to continue, only to stand there in silence.

However, I won't settle with just that; I need to know why, why he's been such a mouthbreather to my friends and me.

"No," I say frowning angrily at him.

He looks up at me, furrowing his eyebrows. "No?"

"No!" I repeat.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now