What's a little more?

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Enjoy the chapter, and please feel free to comment on your opinions. I love reading them!

Ok bye


---(Nancy's POV)----

"Slow down Jonathan!", I yell out as he pulls me by the arm, walking me to his surprise.

"We are almost there, I promise", he replies to me, I can't already see it.

"Did you forget that I'm blindfolded?!" I shout, trying to keep my balance as we continue to walk. I hear the sound of moist leaves crunching beneath my feet and snapping sound of twigs, leading me to assume, that we are now in the forest.

He chuckles, as I yank at him arm jokingly.

When Jonathan and I first saw each other today, I felt out of place, and my body wasn't sure how to react. I wasn't sure whether I should hug him or kiss him right away, nevertheless, when he first walked over to me, and our eyes met, it all made sense. The connection and feelings we have towards each other returned almost instantly, and it felt as if nothing had changed. And now I'm as happy as I could be. I am being guided through the woods of Illinois by Jonathan Byers. Sure, I'm blindfolded and have no idea where he is taking me, but no one in the world makes me feel more safe and protected than he does.

"Ok",  he says as I bump into him, due to him stopping unannounced.

"Oh sorry", he chuckles lightly as he places his hand on my shoulder. "Forgot for a second".

"Very funny", I reply, untying the cloth blindfold from my eyes. However, before I can even begin to open my eyes, Jonathan's palms clasp against my face. I fall back against a solid surface, Jonathan's chest.

"Seriously?!", I screech not wanting to wait a minute longer, my patience slipping away with every passing second.   

"Yes! I want to point you in the right direction.", he responds, letting a hint of anxiousness slip out in his voice.

I can tell by how nervous he is, how hard he has worked to make this moment perfect, so I decide not to provoke him anymore and just let him take as much time as he needs.

He slowly turns my body to the right, then holding me steady, before taking a deep breath in.

"Ok!", he says, letting out a sigh. "Ready?"

I nod my head against his clammy palms. I hear him take a final shakey breath in, making me anxious whether or not I will react the way he hopes me to.

As he removes his hands from my face, the light of the sun irradiates my eyes, making me squint my eyes shut due to the sudden brightness. I start to open my eyes slowly and gasp as I begin to examine my surroundings.

Encompassing us are tall oak trees, illuminated by their golden and fiery red leaves. The sun is filtering through the trees, beaming down on the dark auburn forest floor. The trees part, revealing a small riverbed right infront of us. Among the trees, hang strands of rope attaching one tree to the next. Each strand holds a few pictures, attached by close pins. Some photos are of us at the Hawkins post, with the kids and one of both of our hands, revealing our matching scars.

A grin starts to spread across my face as I look up to Jonathan, giving him a quick peck on the lips before going back to admiring his surprise.

The trees inclose a small circle of ground, which is occupied by two fold-out camping chairs and next to it stands a mini-fridge. On top of that, mini-fridge stands a small vase holding a single rose.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now