Merry Christmas

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So I ended up writing way more than I anticipated and because of that, decided to cut the chapters in half!

Enjoy <3


{El's POV}


Im awoken by Max, who is jumping around on our bed, clapping her hands together.

I groan and roll over, due to being tired from the eventful sleepover we had last night.

Max and I stayed up for hours catching up on each other's lives.
It was definitely the right idea sleeping at Max's house. We haven't seen each other in too long, and I love having my best friend back. Besides, after Joyce had found the mark from Mike on my neck last Thanksgiving, she wasn't very keen on having me sleep at his place. Which, in a way, I can understand. Besides, sometimes you need a little girl time with your bestie.

Max continues to bounce around her room, in attempts of getting me out of bed. Max is a complete sucker for Christmas, it's her favourite holiday, and she explained to me that it's because of it reminding her of all the good times she had in California when her mother was still around.

"Get up El!! It's Christmas what are you waiting for! "

I groan. I, on the other hand, am not the biggest fan of Christmas. I've only really celebrated it once at the notably magical snowball. However, this is my first Christmas without my dad, and it just feels... different. I'm in no way ungrateful for the family that I know have, nevertheless it still feels dissimilar.

I roll over on my side again, as I slowly open my eyes to observe Max. She stops infront of me, seeing that my eyes are slowly opening. She looks down beside me and smirks as she picks up the teddy bear Mike had given me yesterday.

"Or are you waiting for your prince charming to wake you?" She sounds mockingly, mimicking the way I held the teddy bear for the duration of the car ride to her house last night.

I jump up from my laying position to grab the teddy bear away from her. Max laughs gently. "Hey, come on it will be fun."

I can tell that Max understands my hesitation towards the holidays. I'm afraid that reality will hit me today and remind me how different everything really is.


Max smiles at me, squeezing my shoulder comfortingly.



Max and I arrive at the Wheelers house, and Mrs Wheeler opens the door for us, smiling warmly. As soon as she opened the door, the sounds of cheerful Christmas music fills the atmosphere.

"Merry Christmas girls!"

We both smile at her graciously, unable to greet her with an embrace, due to our hands holding onto presents.

"El!" I hear as a little voice calls out from behind the door. A little girl in red Christmas PJs, runs towards me, grabbing onto my leg to embrace me.

I smile down at her, petting her blond hair softly.

"Merry Christmas Holly"

I watch as Mrs Wheeler turns back towards the house with an irritable expression on her face.


A small voice answers in response to the woman. "Im busy mom!"

Its Mike.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now