Not Possible

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The whole ride home I could barely sit still, it is almost 6 pm, the time at which Mike is supposed to call me. I had just had a great moment with my Mom; however, now, I can't wait to talk to my boy.

As soon as Joyce stops the car, I open the door, sprinting towards the house. Joyce follows, looking at me, surprised by my eagerness to get into the house.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" she asks laughingly.

I look up at her and smile."Kind of."

Not wanting to pry, she nods and pulls the house keys out of her pocket. The second she unlocks the door I run into my room and shut the door.

I take my new dress out and hang it on the outside of my closet. I take a few steps back from it and smile.

I can't wait for Mike to see me in this, I think to myself making me grin.

Realizing what time it is, I sit down on my bed, grabbing my walkie.

I sit there waiting as the last few minutes pass till 6, Mike is never late, but he usually isn't early either. Our calls have become rarer in the past few weeks. He's been pretty busy with starting high school and so have I.However, it makes me sad. I miss hearing his voice every day. More than anything, I miss his touch, the way his lips felt against mine and the way it would make me feel, the butterflies filling my insides making me smile. God, I miss him so freaking much.

Suddenly, I hear the door slam open in the distance, awakening me from my daydream.

Will walks into the room with a giant pout on his face, his nose scrunched, anger and annoyance written all over his face.

"Will do you mind, I'm about to call Mike, and I'd like to be alone" I exclaim desperately.

"Mom just grounded me, it's not my fault Ms. Harold is too stubborn to give me extra time on my Assignment!", he says clearly pissed off as he crosses his arms, leaning his head back against his headboard.

"Will-", I start. However, I get cut off by a static noise coming from my walkie.

"El are you there?", I hear a voice speak faintly as the static starts to clear, Mike.

I dart my eyes over at Will with a stern look on my face, signaling for him to leave the room.

"I'll be quiet, you won't even know I'm here", he says calmly.

"Fine. But seriously." I say, placing my finger against my mouth and as I watch Will nod in response.

I lay down on the bed on my stomach, bending my legs and letting them dangle in the air. I look over at Will one last time; he winks at me, I roll my eyes at him before holding down on the button on my walkie to answer Mike.

"Hey Mike, yeah I'm here", I say giddily, however trying to hide it due to  Will laying across from me.

"How are you?" Mike asks.

"Good", I reply. "How are you?"

"Good now that I'm talking to you", he replies in a playful tone making me blush and chuckle to myself.

I look over at Will, who is mouthing "Oh la la" I roll my eyes and bring my attention back to my walkie.

"I miss you so much", I say truthfully trying not to sound sad while saying it.

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