I missed you

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Yes! It's finally here. Sorry about the wait, I've been super busy. Buckle up! This is my longest chapter yet!


----(Mikes POV)-----

The door opens, and I see her.

El is wearing a dark-colored dress, khaki-colored boots, and her hair is neatly done, framing her flawless face.

She looks, beautiful.

My eyes start to water, due to our eyes coinciding once again. And from what I can tell from her face, she is feeling the same way.

"El", I say trying not to choke on my words.

"Mike!" she exclaims, starting to run towards me.

-----(El's POV)----

I run towards him, tears of excitement and joy blurring my vision.

I see him start running towards me, getting closer, with every second and every step we take.

As I reach him, I leap into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and attaching myself to him. He stumbles back, almost falling over due to the speed at which I jumped into his arms at.

He holds me tightly, both of us breathing heavily. After a few seconds, he lets me down back onto the ground.
He's wearing a corduroy jacket with a simple grey button-up under it. His dark hair is still in his classic bowl cut style, framing his defined jawline. Even with the time that passed since we last saw each other, he's still the same freckled-faced boy; My freckled-faced boy.

We face each other, our hands immediately intertwining. He looks down at me with his soft dark irises, noticing a small tear roll down my cheek. He furrows his eyebrows, placing one hand against my cheekbone, and using his thumb to wipe the tear away.

"God, I missed you so much", I say, gulping back the build-up of emotions, in an attempt to not cry.

"I missed you more," he says as a tear leaves his eye aswell.

"Not possible", I murmur, giving him a cheeky smile.

He smiles back at me, and before I can say anymore, he cups my face in his hands, as his eyes dart down to my lips. He slowly moves in and kisses me softly.
I tense up and pull away, surprised by the sensation I had just felt again for the first time in so long. I look up at him, his lips still puckered from the kiss we just shared.
I smile and thread my hand through his hair as I stand up on my toes to kiss him again.

But this time, it lasts longer and holds more meaning, the longing we possess for one another. The kiss lingers, until our lips part once more as he places one hand on my waist. Our mouths separated, and our eyes meet. He leans his forehead against mine grinning from ear to ear with a light blush spreading on both of his cheeks. I smirk in response and start to feel the heat rise in my face as well.

----(Mikes POV)-----

Wow, that was amazing.

I have been so worried about this moment, the moment I see her again for the first time. 

What would I do? 

What would I say?

However, at this moment, all I could do was kiss her; the only way that I could even try to express my admiration and love for her was by kissing her. And she understood me, she kissed me back, and our lips spoke their own language.

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