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Heyy! This chapter contains a bunch of mileven fluff so be prepared.

Make sure you comment on your opinions while reading, I love seeing them!

Ok, bye, enjoy!!


Our lips move in sync.

My arms are still wrapped around his neck while his hands travel down to my waist, pulling me close. Our lips part but reconnect as soon as we catch our breaths. We start to move towards my bed, instinctively. Mike falls against the bed, taking me down with him. I fall over him, holding myself up with my two hands and my knees resting on either side of him. We part for a second, as our eyes meet, noticing the unnatural and slightly inappropriate position we are in, which Joyce certainly wouldn't approve of. But nevertheless, at this moment, all I see is him, and his plump lips, wanting to feel them against mine.

I smirk at him, leaning back into the kiss.

Shit!"he murmurs against my lips. 

Mike tenses letting go of me looking down at his watch. "Its already 3:30!"

He doesnt wait for my answer, jumping off the bed as reaches for his backpack which he had shoved under Will's bed.

We just had a moment, a moment we haven't had in so long, and just like that, it's over.

I frown.
"You've got somewhere to be?" I mumble, in a partly jokingly as well as annoyed tone.

I see him turn away from his bag to face me, hiding something behind his back before hiding it away in his pocket.

He stares at me, noticing the sad look in my eyes.

"Oh El," he says laughingly, walking back over to me. He cups my face in his hands, drawing me up near to his.

"Trust me, I enjoyed that as well", he speaks breaking eye contact, looking down at the ground trying to hold back a grin.

I smile, watching a rosy blush grow on his cheeks.

"But now, I have a surprise for you", he finishes as he leans in, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I smile rolling my eyes sarcastically, trying to act as I were still upset, however, I can hardly contain my excitement, for what Mike has planned for me.


Mike and I leave my room, hand in hand, with extensive grins on our faces, due to the aching anticipation of how the rest of day will play out.

I knew it.
Jonathan's a terrible liar and I could sense by the way he was acting that day, that he was keeping something from me. But for some reason, I can't even begin to imagine what Mike would surprise me with.
I mean, I would call him a hopeless romantic, serenading me with songs and protecting me even when there is no need for it. However, at the end of the day, I could care less about what the surprise is. Him being mine is the greatest gift I could ever receive.

He leads me over to the kitchen, directing me to take a seat. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, before insisting and sitting down.

He puts his hands out in front of me, signaling me to wait. "I'll be right back okay, I promise.", he yells, starting to run down the hallway.

I find it so cute that he still says that after almost everything he says. It's an instinct that Mike had adapted to when I first started living with him back in 1983. I didn't trust anyone and was only beginning to warm up to him. He would always finish his sentences with promising me the truth behind what he was saying, for example, when he would leave for school. "I'll be back at 3 1 5, promise". He taught me that a promise is something you never break, and so when he promised me something, it made me feel safe, and I slowly began to start trusting people.

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