Typical Teenagers

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Hey guys!

I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

Please let me know your guyses thoughts in the comments I love reading them!

Ok, enjoy, bye! xx


I'm awoken by a blaring noise sound close to my ear. Cringing, I roll over to the other side of my bed, covering my head with my duvet, in attempts of blocking out the sounding alarm.

A few seconds later, I throw my blanket off of me, in fury of not being able to dilute the noise. The intense sunlight beams down onto my eyes, making it difficult for me to open them.

I reach behind me, my eyes still fixed shut, attempting to turn the alarm off blindly.

"Will," I groan, rubbing my eyes, protecting them from the harsh brightness."Could you please shut the alarm up!"

I wait for the stopping of the noise intently, considering that Will is always the first to wake up from the alarm.

After a few seconds, I furrow my eyebrows, due to still hearing the obnoxious squeals coming from beside me.

"Will!" I say a little louder this time before finally deciding to force my eyes open.

I turn around, expecting to see Will. However laying in his bed, is Mike Wheeler.

I contort my face in confusion, however just seconds later it melts away, turning into a giddy smile.

I shut the alarm clock off; Mike is still fast asleep, not affected by the screeching sound.

I've been a light sleeper all my life. Always on edge, worrying about the unknown. I know that's not normal, but with my life and my past, it's just become my normal.

I lay my head back into my pillow and close my eyes, still grinning.

Yesterday was incredible. I had a fantastic date with Mike. We laughed, talked, and I felt our bond grow stronger. The dinner was amazing, and we were all blown away by Joyce's cooking. Though she had to admit that she had asked Mrs. Wheeler for a few tips and tricks, which made all of us laugh. Dinner continued happily and the gloomy sense which once filled the room while we were exchanging what we were thankful for, had disappeared and was forever forgotten about.

By the end of the night, I was so emotionally drained, from all the excitement, laughs and tears shed, that I fell right asleep. Forgetting completely about the fact that Mike was sleeping in the same room as me.

I look over at Mike. He is facing me, however, his eyes are still glued shut. His blanket is pulled up just above his nose, letting the freckles under his eyes still noticeable. His black hair is tousled around messily, and I can hear his soft breathing against the sheet. 

I smile at the view of him, amazed by how he can look so adorable without even trying.

Today Will and I will be taking Mike to school with us. I used to imagine how it would be when I would finally be able to go to school with him — us walking down the Hawkin Highschool Hallways hand in hand, blending in with every other typical teenager. But now that's all different, and I'm scared. Scared for him to see me uncomfortable and insecure, the way I usually do in school. I don't want him to feel bad about having to leave me tomorrow which I dont even want to start thinking about. The thought of that makes my heart sink, and I feel as if I'll lose a part of me again when he leaves.

However, today is the one day; we can act as a regular teenage couple, and going to school together.

"Good Morning," Mike croaks from across the room, shaking me out of my thoughts.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now