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Hey guys!!
This is kind of a filler chapter, but it's El going to high school, and I had a lot of fun writing it.
Hope you enjoy also lemme know your thoughts.

"All right you be here at 2:30 on the dot okay", Jonathan explains to Will and I as he pulls up in front of our high school entrance. We nodd, as we follow him into the high school building.

It is 7:30 and the school isn't bustling yet since Joyce makes us go earlier to ensure we get there on time. A few kids are standing and talking near their lockers which cover both sides of the wide hallways. It's a pretty big school.

We continue to walk heading to our classes. Will and I walk next to each other talking and Jonathan walks behind us.

"Hey El", Jonathan gasps, catching his breath after running towards us. "Could I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure.", I repy.

"I've needed to ask the history teacher something", Will says. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

We smile at him and watch him walk away before we starting to walk ourselves.

"So do you know at what time Nancy and Mike will get here on Thanksgiving?", he asks an anxious expression masking his face.

"Hmm..", I start, thinking over the question. "I'm not sure when exactly, but I suppose at like around noon or something."

"Uh oh ok", he replies, sounding unsatisfied by my answer.

"May I ask why", I say raising my eyebrows.

"Umm well I was going to plan something for her, you know, kind of like a surprise date", he answers, smiling looking down at the ground, scratching his neck nervously.

"Awww how sweet!" I say teasing him causing him to turn a bright shade of red.
"Well, I can ask Mike today. He's supposed to call me tonight anyway."

"Oh ok thanks", he remarks, smiling at me.

"Am I supposed to do something, you no like a surpris?e", I ask noticing I hadn't planned anything.

"I mean you could", he says shrugging with a grin growing on his face. "However you know, maybe he's planning something who knows..." He looked back down at the floor again, with a massive grin covering his face from ear to ear.

"Wait what he's planning something?, what do you know that I dont!", I bellow in an interrogating tone.

"No way, I dont know anything", he laughed as he places his hand on my head, ruffling my hair.

"I'll see you later I gotta go to class, 2:30 on the dot!", he tells me before walking into his class.

That was weird; all I know is that Jonathan Byers is a horrible liar.


The bell rings after our last class of the day; I had had my English tutor when Will was in Geography class.

I walk to my locker and twist the number lock until it opens. I put down the books that I don't need to take home with me.

On the inside of my locker door, hangs a polaroid picture of Mike and me that Max took of us as we were on our way to the pool in Hawkins last summer. In the photo, we are holding hands, with a towel draped over both of our arms and we are looking at each other smiling, it is one of my favourite pictures of us together. Looking at our wide smiles reminds me of how careless, happy and free we were that summer, well until the days leading up to the 4th of July of course. But that doesn't matter; this picture reminds me how in love we were during those moments and reminds me of how strong our bond to one another is.

I smile, looking at the picture, as all the memories flash infront of my eyes. I close my eyes holding on to the image tightly. "Only a few more days, just a few more", I whisper to myself.

Suddenly, I hear a loud slam against the locker next to me, opening my eyes, to see a boy. He is tall and has short blond hair complementing his emerald green eyes. I remember him, and he's in my PE class, his name is Brady. Yet, I've never really talked to him. I dont really talk to people here anyway.

"Oh hey their Ellie", he speaks to me with a playful grin on his face.

"Its Jane", I say unaware that he knows who I am. Only my family and friends call me El since that isn't my legal name and we dont want questions of my history to arise. I looked at him, still holding the polaroid in both hands.

"Oh sorry", he says; however, I am not convinced by his apology.

"Oh what to do we have here", he says looking down at my hands and the picture they are holding."

"Oh, n- nothing", I say trying to hide it behind my back. But before I get the chance to, Brady rips it out of my hand and glances down at it.

"Awww, well, who is this your little boyfriend?" he roars in a mocking tone. Everyone in the hallways turned toward me and starred at what was going on.

"Give it back", I scream, feeling the heat from anger and embarrassment growing in my face.

As I jump to get the picture back, he lifts his hand higher and out of my reach. Tears start to pour out of my eyes my face from exhaustion and embarrassment.

"You want it so badly, fine", he declares loudly. "Have it". He grabbesthe picture in his two hands and tears it in two pieces and letting fall to the floor as everyone watches, starting to laugh.

"Bye-bye Ellie", he whispers to me evilly before turning around and leaving, walking down the hallway and out of my sight.

I sink to the floor and pick up the two pieces of paper which were once a picture of Mike and me; it is totally ruined. I squeeze my hands tightly around the two pieces. I lay my face in my hands and start to cry into them. This was one of the only things I had left of Mike, and it was the first picture we had ever taken together, and now, just like that, its gone.

"Brady what the hell!", I hear a voice echo down the Hallway; Will. "What is your problem, Man! Will had heard from the kids in the Hallway what had happened.

Will runs up to me with a worried expression on his face. "El are you ok?"

"He-He's a -", I start but struggle to form proper words through my continuous sobs. "m- Mouthbreather."

"Yes he is El", Will chuckled now holding me in his arms on the floor. "He really is, ignore him he's stupid" He stands up offering his hand to me for me to grab on to it. He helps me up, and I thank him.

"If he ever bothers you again let me know ok", he tells me sternly and I smile at him, nodding my head in response.

He was right, Brady was just a dumb Mouthbreather who was trying to mess with me, and I shouldn't let it get to me. Besides, now I get to go home and hear mikes voice for the first time in a week.

For the last time actually, because by next week, I will be able to see him right in front of me, and not just through a polaroid.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And dont worry soon enough we will get to see Mike and Nancy again!

Stay tuned<3

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