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Hey guys!! Happy Holidays!! It's been a while, and it feels so strange to be writing this story again. Nevertheless, I've decided to write a two-part Christmas one-shot or a mini-sequel of ITF. I hope you enjoy this first part and thank you for all the support that I have received on this book. I love you and happy holidays❤️


December 24th, 1985

{Els POV}

It's the 24th of December and today we are going back to Hawkins for Christmas.

To say that I'm excited would be an understatement.

Not only will I be able to see Max and the town that I practically grew up in, but I get to see Mike.
Mike, who I've tried my best to talk to every week. However, it has proven to be harder than I had anticipated.

The first few weeks went as planned. Mike was able to use Dustin's Cerebro, and we got to talk. Most of our calls were about life and repeating the same "I miss you" and "only a few more weeks". At the end of every call, Mike would subtly add that he loved me. Even though I was very aware of this, it still caused my stomach to fill with butterflies and cause me to act like a nervous fool. I hated the way it would affect me; however, after consulting Valerie about it; I understood that this is an entirely normal feeling. Since its no secret, that Mike and I are in love.

It's the kind of love that not only drives you crazy but also makes you act in ways you at least expect it. The love that causes the most delightful days to pass oh so quickly while causing the harder ones to take forever to pass. However, I know that the bond I have with Mike is something so unique and special, that we will both never be able to find anywhere else.

Valerie once told that she believes Mike to be my "Soulmate" and after she had explained what it meant, I denied it. However, in my heart, I knew for a fact that he was and will always be my Soulmate.

However, it's been harder to keep up with since we both have busy lives and school to maintain.


"Jonathan, could you get your sisters bags?" Joyce mumbles with her boarding pass being held by her mouth, due to having no other hand free.

"Sure thing" Jonathan replies, taking my carry on from me. I smile graciously in response.

I never thought I'd get used to being called a "sister" a "daughter" or even a "friend". Nevertheless, she is so grateful to have been able to transition so smoothly to her life in Illinois.

Jonathan scrambles to catch up with Joyce, who is walking at a seemingly fast pace. She is holding three different carries containing food that she insisted on bringing even though Mrs Wheeler had he told her it wasn't necessary. As we were going through security in the airport, they told Joyce that she wouldn't be able to take it with her.

Nevertheless, if they would have only know who they were dealing with. They would have never said anything, And you best believe that she got her way. That is the day where I indeed noticed that Joyce Byers was the most badass women there is. Joyce expressed with a raised voice to the TSA that she had worked her "ass" of as she said, on making this food.

We most likely would have been removed from the airport, if it weren't for one particular friend of hers.

"Slow down there Byers Clan!" That same friend is trying his best to keep up with the immense speed at which Joyce is making her way through the airport.

Joyce has invited Murray to come with us back to Hawkins since he wasn't able to spend Thanksgiving with us. Besides, he has become such a great friend of the family, due to having helped us settle into our new life in Illinois.

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