Chapter 1

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Jessica pov.

Today is my first day at my new school in New York city. I'm a little nervous. We moved here to New York because my dad got a new business offer and accepted it. My name is Jessica Parker, I am 16 and thankfully have a lincense so I can drive to school instead of taking the bus. I walk downstairs and see my dad about to leave for work. "Bye honey have a good day." he says before graving his coffee and walking out the door. I mean I know he is busy with work and other things, but it would be nice to spend more time with him. But hey, being a single parent and paying bills is tough. I walk out of the house and lock up the doors. My dad won't be home until 8. I walk to my car and hop in. On the way to the school I run into a little traffic but not to much. I pull up to the high school at about 7:30

Ugh here goes nothing I say as I head out of the car and into the school. I wore my black skinny jeans, a blue shirt and my favorite pair of converses. I walk into the school and go to the front office. "Hi Jessica I am mrs. Jackson. Here is your schedule. You have the same classes as April O'neil so she will be able to help you find all your classes.". Says the principle. I walk out into the hall and find my locker I sit my bag and stuff in it and comb my fingers through my long blonde hair. I lck my locker and try to figure out my schedule. While walking down the hall way I ran smack into a girl with red hair. "sorry " I say helping her back to her feet. "It's ok I'm April are you new." She asks. " Ya I'm Jessica the principal told me to find you ba cause we have the same classes." I tell her. "Cool come on first hour is about to start.". She says pulling me along with her down the hall. The first four hours was boring. we has math, then science, then Spanish, then English. Like I said boring. At lunch April leads me over to a table where no one is sitting at. Actually April is pretty cool. She told me her dad was kidnapped and she doesn't know what happened to her mom. After a while a boy sat down at the table. "sup red. whose your friend." he says. "Casey this is Jessica, Jessica this is casey.". She says. "Hi" i say. "hey" he says back. then the ball rang and we went to the other classes. me and April became friends. After school we walked to my car. "do you want a ride". I say. "Sure if you wouldn't mind.". She replies. "Hey do you want to stay over tonight since it is friday.". She asks when we pull up at here house. "Sure I will call my dad and ask" I say. I called dad and he said it would be fine. I went to my house and got some clothes and drive to Aprils. Once I got there she led my to her room . "Okay so do you like shopping." she asks. "Ya kind of." I reply. "Great tommorow we can go to the mall." she says in a squeal. "You sure like to go shopping don't you." I say laughing at her outburst. "Ya and I usually have to go alone because I really have only had boys as friends.". She says. I hear a knock on the window and all of a sudden four turtles enter the room. "Guys I have company!" yells at them. " April umm who are these guys." I say still blinking hoping that the four tutles are just my imagination. "Ummm guys this is Jessica.". April says her voice unsure if she should introduce me. I look at them they all have different colors of masks. I notice the blue one staring. "Umm hey" I say trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. "Hey" they all say at the same time. the one is the orange masks runs up to me. "Yay a new friend" he exclaims wrapping me in a tight hug. "get of her mikey." the on in blue states. "Jessica this is Raphael or raph" she says motioning to the red one he just stares at me. "this is Donatello or donnie," she points to the one in purple. "this is mikey" she says pointing to the one that hugged me. "and this is Leonardo or leo." April says introducing them all to me. "We'll be better get going.". Raph says and they all go out the window. April explains that they are ninjas and all that stuff. "tommorow is a big day we are going to the lair and to the mall yay!" April exclaims. I smile and for some reason the thought of seeing leo again makes me happy.

Hey I know this chapter is long but if you read my other book Leo's last stand, this is the book i was talking about when I said I have been writing another book so I started this book back in July and have only got this far due to other books. I will do chapter two tomorrow. ~thanks

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