Chapter 34

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Jessica pov
I crawl like a mad woman out of there. I smell the smoke and it is suffocating me. My body is on fire. Then I see a sign of hope, the vent opening that leads outside. I make it to the opening in record time. Now my problem is trying to open the vent. I lay on my back and kick as hard as I can. The vent flys of and a long ways down before it hits the streets of New York city. I gulp as I look down. I've never been good with heights but they diddnt bother me to much, but this way is a straight drop off the building. There's no ledge to hold onto. I consider the chances on my survival if I go this way and come up with a slim chance. I turn to head back and see that the whole can't is engulfed with flames. I start to mentally panic. What do I do? I ask myself. The flames move closer and closer only inches away. I take a deep breath and do the most daring thing I've done in my life. Jump. The air from falling and the shock from falling knocks my breath out. I see the street racing up to me or should I say me racing toward the street. I close my eyes and wait for the pain. Then I feel a jolt as I suddenly stop. I feel arms around me. Finally I open my eyes. I see leo hanging onto me with one arm and with his other arm he is hanging onto the end of his grappling hook that is hooked securely at the top of the building. "gotcha" he says. "Thanks." I huff out between breaths. Then I feel us being pulled up and see raph and donnie pulling us. Splinter and mikey are standing behind them with Casey and april. When did they get here, I ask myself but quickly decide it's the least of my worrys. As soon as we reach the rooftop raph pulls leo up and donnie grabs me. "Thanks guys." I say. "No problem we'd do anything for family." Raph says playfully punching me in the arm. We can't go back to te lair and no one, including me, really wants to retreat to my old house again. "So, like where do we go." Casey asks. I look around and see that everyone one is trying to think of something. "How bout my house. I'm sure the foot clan won't think that we are there and surely they aren't keeping watch there anymore." I say. I look at leo. He seems to be considering it and says "that's a great idea jess." He looks around, everyone nodds in agreement. "Ya! This is gonna be awesome." mikey exclaims and high fives me. "Let's get going" splinter says . We all walk to my apartment.

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