Chapter 20

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Jessica pov.

It's been a few days since Kira and Bella's disappearing act. What is strange though is that since then the foot has been keeping a low profile. No robberies. No action. patrol has been boring. Tonight donnie has stuff to do and the guys don't want to go on patrol, so I am going to Aprils. "Be carful and remember call me if you need enything.". Leo says as I walk out the door. He can be so overprotective sometimes. As I walk down the dark sewer my phone rings. "Hello" I say. "Hey i was making sure you had your phone. "Leo's voice says. Ugh really. "Yes I do or I would have answered." I reply. "O ok well.." leo starts to says bit then there is screaming in the background and I hear leo saying 'stop' and mikey saying 'I have to say something'. Finally I think the phone was taken by mikey because I hear his voice."ok Jessica stop by Antonio's pizza on your way back. I checked the fridge and we are out of pizza. I REPEA. WE ARE OUT OF PIZZA." he exclaims on the other end. I laugh. "ok calm down mikey I will bye you some pizza. " I say after I catch my breath. "Thanks" he says. I finally reach the manhole cover. "Ok mikey I am topside now so I'm gonna have to call you back later." I say and hang up. I climb up the ladder and slide the lid back in place. As I walk down the street I can't help but feel like I'm being followed. Finally I make it to aprils. She opens her door and we walk up to her room and shut the door. After I update her on what's happening she says"wow I don't come to lair in two days and it feels like I missed a years worth of stuff." "yep." I say as we sit on her bed. "Well when are you coming back to school."she says. "I don't know." I say. I really haven't thought about school in awhile. "Will you please come to the dance with me tommorow night"she says pleadingly. I think about. A dance might be fun. "Ok I will go"I say finally. "Yay" she says. "You can just stay over tonight." she says. I agree. I guess mikey might not get his pizza tonight. o well after The dance I'll buy him so much pizza it will last him awhile.

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