Chapter 17

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Jessica pov.

As we run on top of the roof tops I love how the night air is blowing through my hair. I stop suddenly as I hear a scream in a nearby ally. "What was that." raph asks. I shrugg my shoulders. "let's go find out." I say as I grab my knife. Tomorrow I'm going to ask splinter for a real weapon like a katana or something. When we reach the ally way I see that an lady, possibly in her 50s is bieng robbed by a gang of purple dragons that have her pinned against the ally wall surrounding her with knifes and other weapons. "Let's go have some fun." I say jumping down landing silently on the pavement in the dark ally. I see raph following me. Then the fun starts. We start fighting. Then the purple dragon leader....Fong, I think snatches the woman's purse and starts running down the ally way. "Raph take care of this, I get the purse." I yell as I chase after Fong. He darts running faster and I speed up. Right before he can make it into a building I spring forward and tackle him to the ground. He starts to fight back and I knock the purse out of his hands. Then I punch him in the face. What he ROBBED a person he deserved it. I stand up and walk over to the purse. I pick it up and look down at my self. My black skinny jeans have ripped knees. Ugh this night just got worse, hmm mabey April can fix them. Ok enough of my fashion crisis. I race to the ally and see raph take out the last purple dragon. Then I run to the woman and help her up. "Thank you what is your name." she says as I hand her the purse. Ummm I can't tell her my real name. "Ummmmm" I mumble as I try to think of something. "What is it dear did you forget your name" she asks. I wanted to slap her BUT I am a better person than that. "My nammmmme is....................."my eyes see raph on the rooftop waiting for me. the woman taps her foot waiting. Gosh you would think she wouldn't be so pushy and be more nice. I saved her life. "Ummmmm......look a alien." I exclaim pointing to the road. She turns and looks. I take the chance to climb on the roof. I run over to raph. He gives me a weird look. "What" I say. "An alien, really." he says. "Well it worked diddnt it." I say. We laugh as we head into the sewers.


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