Chapter 4

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Jessica pov.

After 3 hours in the mall we walk out with about four bags apiece. "So are you exited about training with splinter tomorrow." April asks. "Yep I can't wait." i reply. It's true I really want tomorow to come fast. I drop April off at her house. "See ya tomorrow." she says. grabbing her bags out of the car. I nod and wave as I pull off. I arrive at my house five minutes later. I walk up to the door stop and check the time it's 7 and my dad will be home around 10. I unlock the door and turn on the lights I lay my stuff on the couch. Something feels strange like someone's watching me but it's probably because we watched a scary movie last night. Suddenly I hear a sound and whip around. Its a guy. A guy in alit of armor and knives. "Tell me where the turtles live and I will spare you." he says in a menacing voice . I literally feel my heart stop. He is an enemy of the turtles. "Who are you". I manage to say. "I am the shredder now tell me where the turtles are or you will die!" he yells the last part. I can't betray the guys, even if we just met. "Never." I say an ounce of bravery coming over me. "You just made a mistake" he says before grabbing me and throwing me against the wall. I gasp for air. He grabs me again and I manage to kick him in the side making him drop me. I roll to the side feeling pain all over. He runs at me again and I close my eyes I feel a sharp pain in my side as he kicks me. I slide across the room and hit the wall. The next thing I know is I hear the window shatter. I look over and see leo with his swords out. "Stay away from her shredder it's us you want leave her out of it." leo says glaring at the shredder. Shredder runs at leo. Leo dodges the attack and hits shredder. Shredder gets a knife and aims it a me. I try to urge my body to move but I can't it hurts to much. he throws the knife and I feel a sharp pain in my thigh. Leo looks at me. Shredder takes that advantage and grabs leo and throws him toward me. he hits the wall with a thump and runs at the shredder again. Leo is pinned against the wall and shredder has a knife aimed at him. Suddenly I feel adrenaline. I stand and run at shredder despite the pain. I hit him in the side and he stumbles backwards. leo stands up grabs me and jumps out of the window. We finally stop on a rooftop after we get to a safe distance. Leo looks at me. "I'm sorry." he says. "Sorry for what it's not like you knew he was going to be at my home.". He shakes his head. "no but still if you never met us you would be." "Don't you dare say safe because I am safer with you guys than I have ever been in my life." I say cutting leo off. He looks at me as if he was expecting me to be joking, once he figured out I'm not he picks me up again. I would say I could walk but I kind of like being carried. We walk into the lair. "donnie" leo yells carrying me into Donnie's lab and sitting me on a table. "coming..... what happened." donnie exclaims as he grabs some medical utensils and walks over to the bed I'm on. "Ok leo you can go." he says before he starts doing anything. Leo reluctantly walks out of the room. "Okay so nothing's life threatening so I will just bandage up the wound on you leg.". He says again. "ok." I reply. while he is bandaging up my leg I look around the lab. It is actually really impressive. "Did you build this stuff?" I ask as he helps me off the bed. "Yep." he says. Hmmm April would be perfect for this guy. She told me how he likes her and stuff. "so donnie is it true you like april." I ask. He automatically starts blushing. he loves her I think to myself. "" he stutters. "its okay if you do because I'm going to try to get you together." I state. He starts blushing and mumbles somthing I think was saying I can go. I walk out of the lab.

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