Chapter 25

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Jessica pov.
I am in my room right now and I swear I still hear a slight beep. Maybe I'm just paranoid . I check the time and it is noon so I make my way to my door when I hear a crash downstairs. I hear weapons clashing and some screams. I run in the hall and leap down the stairs. Then I see them. Kira, bella, Shredder, foot ninjas, that Ben! It is. I grab a knife and join the guys in battle. Then I see sensi come and start fighting shredder. In the middle of my fight with Kira I look around. The lair is a mess. we fight of the foot but more keep coming. Soon rahzar, tigerclaw, and fish face come in. O crap we are doomed. And where is sensi and shredder? "Guys fall back." leo yells. I look around and see everyone else running to join leo. I follow them . Where will we go. "You guys go topside find April tell her everything, I'm gonna go find sensi and I will meet you there." leo says. Everyone starts running down the sewers raph I'm the lead. "Leo..."i start to say but he cuts me off. "Go Jess hurry." he says. He is in his leader mode now, No playing around. I turn to follow mikey and them but turn back around quick and hug leo. " Be safe." I say as I take off down the sewers. Which way did the others go. Left. right. down three tunnels. Then I catch up to them. "What do we do after we tell april." mikey asks me because we are in the back behind raph an donnie running. "I don't know." I reply. Please be ok leo. We make it to Aprils and Casey is over. We run in and I shut the door behind us. After we explain what happened April says "ya we know foot chased us at the park. ". "How did they find the lair.". Donnie says. Then it hits me. The beeping. my phone. I lead them to the lair. It's my fault. "Where will we go." raph says. "It can't be the farmhouse, some of my relatives are staying there right now.". April says. "We could take my car and go to my old house in Pennsylvania." I say. Everyone looks around then looks back at me. "Ya that would be great lets get going.". Casey says. "Hold on let me grab some clothes and stuff Jess come on." april says pulling me to her room. She grabs a bag and starts filling it up to the top with clothes. I only have the clothes I have on which is some jeans and I blue t shirt with combat boots. "You can borrow some of me stuff." April says like she is reading me thoughts. We run down stairs. "Is leo here yet." I say. Then I see him. He looks hurt. He has bruises on his arms and legs and a big gash on his arm. "Leo." I exclaim running to him and embracing him in a hug. Then we all walk out into the ally where my car is parked. After donnie checks it for trackers and says it's good April and I try to think how we are gonna get everything situated for the long drive. Soon we have mikey, leo, and Casey in the back seats. Mikey and raph in the very back and April and I up front. "Where is Sinsi." Mikey asks. leo just looks at the ground. I don't need an explanation some how I already know. "sensi was captured by the shredder as bait for us." leo finally says. Then I continue driving. Away from New York, Away from the lair, Away from sensi and the shredder.

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