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New summary:
Your name is y/n you grow up in rouge pack, when your mate found you and about you being in rouge pack will he reject you.. in background you got stalker watch you in the shadow.. what happened when he lies about your family and kidnapped you.. will anymore come for you... or they forgot about you...


I can't believe this book as well. 1.1.6k views!

Holy crap! Thank you for reading this is know it SUCKS because I wrote this when I was in middle school, had aruge with myself alot about take off my wattpad. Beacuse it so bad, But anyway thank you guys for stick to the crazy book and I may make other werewolf x reader in the future. (Wink wink)

But it be way better than this.  sometimes I just wanna make new wattpad and start all over again yah know.

Lot people comments say way I chould make this book better. And thank you for that.
         I been thinking about rewrite this  book, but idk how I want to have it done? I chould take have on the same book and such. It have Crap load of chapters. And this story all ready as  41 parts to it.

Or I chould just make new story with same thing. But for fact is it want people to see the difference between me in middle school and me now.  
              I think I'm going but the rewrite version on same story so you can see the difference and you don't have to read it, you don't want to.   
     When I mean rewrite I'm take the story for you all and make better. I'm make the chapter longer and make sure not to get my character mix up and to make them have emotes and ect. 

  Note: i know I have bad grammer and it sucks, cause I try hard. But your support alway welcomed ❤❤❤❤  

    Thank for listen to me rant, and I hope you read the new version of this book.. also I have lot book they aren't done be writen on my wattpad. So they may get put on hold. Not sure.

   I'll see you guys thier and thank for sticking around

Zoe, sign out

Werewolf x reader  (Complete)   *Edited*  Version 1#Where stories live. Discover now