Stark Intership...(part 1)

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Peters pov...

I headed into the stark tower to do my internship. I greeted Nat and Clint on my way to Mr.Starks office.

When i arrived "Mr.Stark? Sir?" I asked and waited. The door seconds later opened to the tall man looking down on me. "Come in Peter, glad to see you here" he walked to his office and sat at his desk. "Peter could you organise my book shelf?" He asked as i nodded.

I bent down to pick books off the floor when i heard a grunt and my hair went on end... Mr Stark...was watching me..?! I blushed slightly and completed my task. I turned to face the man who was now watching Peter and biting his lip. Peter started blushing more. "M-Mister Stark..? C-Can i have a q-quick break?" I asked.

He nodded hesitantly. I quickly got out of his office and walked towards the couches. "Damn that was stressful, god" i said as i took heavy breaths.

Until i heard "I didn't know i had such an impact on you" i jumped up to see Mr.Stark there looking amused. "M-Mr.S-Stark I-!" I was cut off by Mister Stark walking towards me. He bent down slightly and whispered "Don't worry Peter. Your mine so its okay to be embarrassed sweetheart" in my ear.

Feeling his breath on my neck made me tense up slightly and Mr.Stark seemed to notice. He smirked at me. He winked at me before heading back into his office.

I heard a friendly voice say "New interest?" I turned around and saw my hero best friend Wade, or dead pool. "Shut up Wade" i said blushing. "Baby boy has an interest in famous billionaire Tony Stark!" This is where i made a mistake. I snapped "No! Wade the age difference!! And the going public!! My reputation is straight and i'm not changing it for Mr.Stark!" I said and wade looked behind me

I turned around and saw Mr.Stark looking hurt at his open office door. He slammed it as DeadPool left. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. "M-Mr Stark?" No response "Mr Stark please" i asked. Tears started falling from my eyes.

"Tony..? Please let me in" i begged, and i heard a very quiet "Friday open door" and it opened. I was in and the door slammed behind me. "Mr.Stark I'm sorry, i-i just snapped at Wade and i didn't kno-!" Until he said one sentence that shattered me. "Your internship is over. Goodbye Mr.Parker" he said. I stood there, broken.

I could already feel this depression kick in. I stopped crying and locked eyes with him "Goodbye Stark." I said and left, slamming the door behind me. I went to Nat's room and she comforted me whilst i cried. I can't believe he did that to me. I looked at Nat. "Can you please try keep him happy for me..?" I asked and she nodded "Your a good kid Pete, i don't know why Tony is doing this to you" she said.

After that, Happy escorted me home. I got in, i completely ignored May and went straight to my room. I broke down in tears.

This happened for the next 4 weeks. I talked to no one but Ned and May. I didn't eat. I just cried. I cried at school, at home, in the streets. I haven't even put on my suit. I just feel so empty without Mr.Stark. My depression is getting worse everyday. I can't handle it for much longer...I'm scared...

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