Stark Internship (part 4 final)

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Then I remembered. My suit. I ran to the closet and shut the closet door as my bedroom door opened. I quickly got it my suit and tried to get out. I opened the door and saw Mr.Stark standing there. I webbed his hands together before running out of the window and jumping down.

I swung from building to building trying to find a safe place. Thats until my hair went up, Mr Stark was tracking me. I took the suit off and put my mask on. I put on my web slingers and went i swung into my room. I changed and put on a suit i made with Mr.Starks tech, one he doesn't know about.

Before putting on the mask i looked in the mirror "i have no where to run...wait. Nat and Clint yes!" I went to pick up my phone but i saw Tony standing there. I backed up until i hit a wall. Tony walked up to me and lifted my head "How dare you let him in my tower?!" He yelled. He knew May was gone for a few days, she left earlier.

"M-Mr.Stark I-!" I was about to answer when someone stood in front of me. I saw a red and black suit. It was...Wade. "Move." Tony said angrily. Wade stayed where he was... Tony threw him against the wall. He went flying out of the window. I ran to the window and webbed his back to stop him from falling. He jumped down and ran off.

I looked at Tony scared, i looked back out of here the window and saw falcon. I jumped and grabbed his hand. We got to Stark tower and had a meeting without Mr.Stark. "Whats with him?" Asked Nat "I don't know" Clint said "He's being possessive over Peter" Bruce said "We know that" said Thor. I blushed "But why me..?" I asked. Everyone shrugged. I stressed "Am danger?" I asked and they all looked worried.

"Its because of Wade..." i said and they gasped "dead pool wade? That Wade?" Bruce asked and i nodded. They looked at each other scared. I was confused. "Wade and Tony don't have good history together" Nat said. I was worried and confused "would Mr.Stark ever...hurt Wade?" I asked and it went quiet. I rushed into my room and got my backup suit and jumped out of the window...

I saw them in the park. Standing not too far. I swung and landed in the middle of them. "Guys Guys please stop! Please! Why dont you just get along? Like friends?!" I yelled "Baby boy get out of here!" Wade yelled. "No! Mr.Stark, Dead pool! Come on! If not for yourselves stop for me! You know! Peter!!" I begged as tears fell from my eyes. Wade lowered his swords and tony flew towards me.

He landed in front of me and got out of his suit. He lifted my mask up slowly and put his lips on mine. I kissed back gently. We started making out as the public watched...and recorded.

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