School boy

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Peters pov

"MJ!!" I exclaimed happily as she was revealed when the doors opened. I practically dragged her to my room. We were having our sleepover. Mj has a HUGE crush on Natasha...Natasha likes her too. "So are you together?!" I asked excitedly. She shook her head no. I sighed. I went to hug her but slipped and fell on her.

We laughed. The door creaked open and i saw Tony looking sad/ annoyed "We're done!" He said and slammed the door shut. I rushed outside "What do you mean?!" I said scared. "We're done! Not together any more! Done!" He yelled. I just looked down. He stormed away. He's done with me..? What did i do?

"Friday inform all the Avengers except Mr.Stark that i need them in the kitchen." I said and walked to the kitchen, they were already there. "Im leaving Stark Tower and the Avengers. Tony and I have broken up so i will be going back to normal life. Need me? Look for me in school." I said and walked back to my room.

MJ was told and helped me pack. I left. Just left.

Two months later...

Mr.Stark is with 'Pepper Potts' now.

I walked into school and met up with MJ
"Have you ate yet?" She asked and i shook my head. She sighed and walked to class. I have chemistry first...yay...

After school...

I walked outside with MJ. I saw Tony standing in front of Happy's car. I walked past them. He grabbed my arm but i pushed him off. "Don't touch me." I said and walked to my apartment with MJ.

I was sitting on my computer, typing an essay when Clint came in through the window. "Sup?" I asked confused "Tony is doing tests on everyone! It's knocking them out! Me and you are the last two!" He said scared. I stood up furious. I rushed into my closet "Karen upgraded Hawkeye and Spider suits now quickly!" I said and two suits appeared. We put them on.

"Theres two hundred and thirty different arrow types, be careful. Lets go, MJ stay safe!" I saw and dives out of the window. I swung to the tower.

I peeked over and saw everyones bodies. Even Morgan, Lila and Cooper. I webbed Morgan and pulled her towards me. And the same for Lila and Cooper. I gave them to Hawkeye to put them in my apartment.

I jumped down and faced him. My ex boyfriend. "Friday disable his suit." Tony said "I'm sorry Sir, he made it, only Karen can disable it." She replied. I took my suit off showing my extremely skinny self. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. He looked me up and down "What happened to you?" He asked "Our break up happened. Now ANSWER ME!" I yelled and he fell back.

He looked around "To get your attention." He said "Attention given" i webbed him to the wall. I slowly woke everyone up. "Your not getting me back! You broke my heart and then practically kill everyone?! Are you a psycho?!" I screamed.

"Maybe i am...maybe. I. Am."

What. The. Fuck.

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