New Arrival

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Hi! Im Peter Parker. I was requested by um Hawkeye and Nick Fury to join the avengers because of my powers. I walked in talking to Clint when i saw a guy talking to a girl. This man was drop dead GORGEOUS! I was staring at him for a few minutes until he looked at me, making me blush and walking away.

"Would you like to meet Black widow? Hulk? Tony Stark? Anyone" i was curious to meet Tony Stark. "Tony!" Clint yelled. The drop dead gorgeous guy walked over. "Who's this Clint?" He asked and i kinda hid behind Clint. "This is Peter, Peter Parker. He's Spiderman and a tech genius" Clint said and Tony raised an eyebrow whilst looking at me.

Tonys pov

This kid is adorable. He's the neighbourhood Spiderman AND he's a technology genius.

How more perfect can one person get?!?!

Peters pov again

"Can i take him Clint?" Tony asked and Clint nodded. Tony took me to his labs. I saw robots and technology around me. I squealed. I looked at everything before putting on goggles and making web fluid. "Peter can you help me with this?" He asked. I took off my goggles and walked to him. I stood next to where he was sitting and looked at the wires. I started removing the wire.

This is when Mr.Stark put me in his lap. I kept working until he puts hands on my butt
"M-Mr.S-Stark?" I asked and he hummed in response "I-I cant f-focus" i said and he shrugged. I was bright red and kept working.

His hands traveled onto my waist. He rubbed it slowly. I put the screwdriver down
"M-Mr.Stark c-can you mmhm s-stop a-ah p-please u-ughs" i begged and he stopped. I finished his thing and walked back to my web fluid. When i got a video call from Shuri. I answered and put my goggles back on.

"Hey love how are you?" I asked and she said okay. "How are you babe? T'Challa told me about your 'promotion'?" She asked and i nodded "I work at the Tower now and tell T'Challa i said hi! I have to go Shuri i'll call you later!" She said goodbye and i hung up.

I was mixing web fluid when mr stark whispered "She better not be your girlfriend Parker. Im warning you." In my ear. I turned around "I don't see why it would matter and for your information Mr.Stark, I'm gay" I walked out of the lab and saw Loki chained up in the living room. I sat next to him and made conversation and he was actually really nice. Thor came in and yelled "Peter get away from him!" All the Avengers rushed in but i looked at them confused.

"Calm down guys, I'm fine really, i was only talking to Loki" i smiled at them all "Relax everyone" loki said putting a hand on my thigh. I blushed slightly and Mr.Stark gave Loki a death glare. I smiled and my watch beeped. Patrol time. I got up and walked to my room. I looked in the closet and found my suit. I smiled and put it on. I walked out of my room and saw everyone in the living room.

"H-Hey guys I'm going on Patrol and I'm gonna be out late, don't ask why, goodbye" I rushed out before they could ask questions.

Tony's pov

"We're following him right?" I asked and everyone nodded in agreement. All but Bruce followed. He says "its not right to follow him Tony." Hes just being BORING! We all split up in search for Peter. Until i saw him through a window talking to a girl and a boy. He seemed...Excited?

Peters Pov

"I met Tony Stark! Tony freaking Stark! MJ! Ned! I met him! I met Tony Stark! He has been my celebrity crush since forever!!" I screamed as Mj and Ned laughed at my excitement "I made web fluid in his lab and it was so cool. This is when i got a call from Shuri. I smiled and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey babes" i said "New Project? Come to Wakanda? Umm sure, but id have to ask Tony and Steve for permission. I'll call you afed 'kay?" I hung up. I squealed again. "I might be going to Wakanda guys!!" I squealed and Ned asked "why is that cool?" And i glared at him "Im gonna be with my best friends and have you seen how hot the boys are?! Come on Ned!" I yelled.

Tonys pov

Now he's not going. He's gonna be drooling over sweating tanned guys?! Nope. Not at all. I flew to the tower. I walked around the house annoyed because Peter wanted other people but me.

Peter came back not long after and everyone greeted him. I just stared at him before going to my lab.

Peters pov

Mr Stark seemed angry and upset kinda. I got worried. I took off my mask and went to see him. He looked annoyed as he worked on a robot. I stood behind him "Mr.Stark?" I asked, no response. "Mr.Stark please?" No response. "Come on Mr Stark" i said, putting myself in his lap. "What did i do?" I asked, about to cry. He looked me in the eyes and said "You want someone that isn't me" and took me off his lap "M-Mr Stark what do you mean..?" He stayed quiet "Can i at least go to Wakanda?" I asked and he got madder.

"O-Okay i'll ask Steve" i said and Steve gave his permission. I got on a plane with happy and headed for wakanda! I could see Shuri again. Someone else got on the plane. I saw Mr.Stark at the back and smiled. I waited for us to land. I got out and heard "Peter!!" I saw Shuri. I ran and hugged her. We're together again.

Mr.Stark seemed jealous of her. I smiled and kept hugging my best friend.

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