Lonely and depressed

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(This is on my feelings atm, loves y'all)

Tony's Pov

Dear, My Darling Peter
Life drags on each and every day, it isn't down to you, you make my life happier. But just knowing Steve and Bucky were working for Hydra all along and never told me hurt to much.

Just knowing everything i did. Every secret, every laugh, every smile, was a lie. A pure lie. They never liked me, they never cared about me. They put up with my because i was with you.

I couldn't take it, i couldn't handle knowing that they never liked me when they kept me from killing myself for so long. I wish this was just a nightmare and i'd soon wake up. But that won't happen this time. I'm dearly sorry Peter, it's my time to go...

Tony Stark, your husband 💕

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